funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • it did take a likeing to my jumper. i filmed it pulling my jumper. iv also taken some pictures with my camera. I did have to carefuly get up and go outside and put a leaf against my jumper for it to walk on my dogwood in my wildflower border  il add them when I can. wifi is terrible and I can only send it on my laptop im having to use mobile data at the moment 

  • You are very kind to wildlife.

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  • thanks. they deserve an equal amount of respect as Humans. Wildlife have rights aswell and there all part of the cycle of life that keeps nature in balance. beetles, insects and Bumblebees are all in decline

    the common kestral for instance is actualy a declining species in my county and the cause is due to the decline in the vole population that is due to ilegal poisoning and there  habitats being afected.

    scavengers actualy take dead animals. without them we would have alot more dead animals to clean up off the road amoung other places.  every species has there own role to play.

    with Kestrals there fadcinating to watch cause they hover and keep its head still in the wind and just like crows are scavengers. both are predators that keep populations under control. while some arnt very fussy like crows 

    even though kestrals do also eat other things a common kestrals( main diet) is actualy voles

    when the vole  pupulation was  afected so did  the predator who controls them in return

      just like certain people like us can be mis understood and misrepresented so do wild animals either through media or by things like myth and superstition amoung other causes 

    for instance even though wasps sting not all of them do.  with wasps its only females that sting. and the peak time that they bother people is summer cause that is when there diet starts to change  to sweet things eventualy due to factors that ocur back at there nest that make them hungry so it is important at this time to feed themselfs so  theres a very good reason and just like other wildlife its all about survival. the wasps that bother people during summer that most people are familer with is the German wasp and the common wasp. 

    there are also solitary wasps those ones arnt social and arnt the ones that interrupt picnics there is also solitary bees aswell like the leaf cutter. some species of solitary  wasps prey on certain species of solitary bees they do it through there own unique method but both  also pollinate plants 

    even though I know alot about wasps and have for a long time I dont want to go off tiopic too much  and so thought you might find these interesting


     honey bees and bumblebees. and they also ( only) sting if they feell threatened. and just like wasps its only females that sting. plus in spite of the saying blind as a bat they actualy arnt blind 

     for me when I go out in the garden I dont just plant with birds and beetles and bees in mind I also plant for wasps cause they are actualy pollinators aswell as bees and have an important role to play to keep the earth in balance evrything does. 

    aside from the fact  that both animals wild or not deserve respect just like us that are also unique in there own way just like us alot of people do tell me that im very good with animals. both with pets and wild ones and that I have a way with them.

    one of the keys to undertsanding wildlife and knowing what to do and when is not just learning about different species but also learning about what there body language means what postures they make and what there trying to communicate. for instance if a Bumblebee feells uncomfortable or wants space it will put its leg up and wave which for humans looks as if its saying hello. a female wasp will also display certain behaviors if it starys to become irritated. it will normaly display a certain posture if it feells threatend in any way aswell 

    it will also display a certain tyoe of posture and behavior if  it views another wasp as competition

    but it can also display a certain behavior when mateing aswell aswell as when looking for insects.  

    other species of wildlife also have there own unique body language and behaviors 

    ive helped lots of species no matter what they are. alot of ladybeetles can begin to be founf indoors at this time of year