funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • I am trying an experiment by seeing if I can upload an animated gif that I have just created. (DIDN'T WORK. Uploaded but too big Cry)

    I have posted this photo before.

    Several months ago now, I saw movement one day out of the corner of my eye and realised that a bat had got caught in a large glass vase. It was sooooo cute. I tipped it out outside seconds after this and it had a little sniff around and then flew away. I don't know how it got in. I was so happy for days. I have not seen any signs of bats since.

  • Several months ago now, I saw movement one day out of the corner of my eye and realised that a bat had got caught in a large glass vase. It was sooooo cute

    That's a wonderful experience to be so close to one.

    Well done for saving him.

    You reminded me of this recent BBC news story:

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