funny moments with Wildlife

sometimes I get  photos of Wildlife doing funny things so I thought i would do a thread specifically for that and share them with others 

when I was in Wales last month I saw a blackbird being fidgety and preening and it ended up with funny hair 

for today this afternoon I kept hearing two woodpigeons seemingly up to mischief and repeatedly flapping wings at each other.  them outside being funny 

  • What a great idea you have come up with. Relaxed

    I don't have any photos that I can share, but there was an occasion a few years ago when I had spotted a squirrel in my garden appearing to play ball with a manky orange that I'd thrown out. I had found it rather an amusing sight to watch.

    Quite often I see things from my windows, but I'm too busy enjoying the moment to think of grabbing my camera. 

  • thanks. thats ok  if you dont have any photos or didnt get any at the time.  when you see something funny with wildlife then you can share the story with us like you have just now. thanks for shareing the story.

  • thanks. thats ok  if you dont have any photos or didnt get any at the time.  when you see something funny with wildlife then you can share the story with us like you have just now. thanks for shareing the story.

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