Ways to get to sleep

I know a lot of people on here struggle with insomnia and so I just wanted to ask a few questions about it see if anyone can help me

First of all, does it get worse for any of you when going through times of change? Whenever I start a new job or have some other change in my life it becomes unbearable. I just cant sleep no matter how tired I am or what techniques I try and my head drives me mad imagining things and being anxious while I am awake

Secondly, what techniques have you guys found works to help with insomnia? Like routines before bed, sleeping medicine, anything? 

Really cant carry on like this every night 

  • I have tinnitus which doesn't help with bedtime, so I have a talk based radio station on a timer quietly in the background (Radio 5 Live, LBC, Talk Radio).

    I dont do the "no tech before bed". In fact I usually play a game on my phone for 5-10 minutes when I get into bed.

    I have severe obstruction sleep apnoea (OSA), so I have to wear a mask for sleep. Surprisingly, its not that restrictive and I have got so used to it that I would probably struggle to sleep without it.

    As I mentioned in reply to TheCatWoman, I take zopiclone which really does the trick.

  • I have tinnitus which doesn't help with bedtime, so I have a talk based radio station on a timer quietly in the background (Radio 5 Live, LBC, Talk Radio).

    I dont do the "no tech before bed". In fact I usually play a game on my phone for 5-10 minutes when I get into bed.

    I have severe obstruction sleep apnoea (OSA), so I have to wear a mask for sleep. Surprisingly, its not that restrictive and I have got so used to it that I would probably struggle to sleep without it.

    As I mentioned in reply to TheCatWoman, I take zopiclone which really does the trick.

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