My Wildlife holidays.

Iv decided to do a forum on my wildlife holidays where I can tell you about my holiday rather than just sending pictures 

cause iv been on lots of them this year rather than only sending photos. also proper  trips il tell you about and add photos to go with it on this post aswell.  cause it will be easyer and better for me but is also  for holidays cause im going on lots of holidays this year and it deserves its own thread in this sense. 

my first holiday I went on this year was Wales. I went to Snowdonia near the national park 

we saw a lamma and a  pony

with  the view we got from the cottage we stayed in was of the sea 

Jackdaws perched on the buildings when we watched tv we went for a walk and I got great pictures of the moutains 

you could see them on the beach outline at the beach the waves I saw a literally called gray heron fly past 

the waves crashed against the rocks and became fully submerged until they broke and forced its way over.  my long lens saved my life by getting me up close enough to photograph the waders and I saw Great crested grebes.

back at the cottage herring gulls at Jackdaws

 the next day we went to the waterfalls I saw yellow gorse.

the water level was high but not flooded. it was a adventure and the gorse made it look colourful

it was massive then we went down the mountain the next day we went to the sea again and I saw a cormerent. there was lots of bladder wrack which is a type of seaweed. 

seaweed are actualy a type of algae. some can surve out the water for a certain period of time. others dont survive as well it depends on the type cause theres different types of seaweed. 

this one is normaly mistake for seaweed but is actualy a type of animal instead 

in July 

im very used to wildlife watching in the uk and while I have been to menorca I havnt wildlife watched there cause I didnt have an interest in Wildlife then so this was my first time wildlife watching in a different country. 

I allways have to wear ear defenders when i go to the air port but they had disability asistance. I had to improvise cause the person that supports me that went with me hasnt gone on holiday with me before and didnt know what to say or do with my sensory challanges at the airport. the person that was with me said she thinks il be fine but I knew cause of my autism cant deal with crowds so I said I have autism and I dont like crowds so would it be ok to go where its less busy or quiter and so she took me through. there was a point where we wernt sure if I had to take my ear defenders off at the part where you have to walk through and them see if you got metal on you so I asked the lady there if I could keep them on and she went off to ask the person behind the thing you have to walk through. I was very anxious at this point. it was time to put our items on the coveyerbelt and walk through the metal thing. The person with me for the holiday and me still didnt know so I was panicing inside and i was told to take them off by the person taking me which i was reluctant to do but the plaine lady came over and thumbed up us saying not to take them off and that  i can keep them on and we went through. the flight was delayed by an hour. but it was no ones fault cause they had to help somone who couldnt walk onto the plane. so we walked and stopped every 5 minutes so people were joking about that and inpatient at the same time. eventually we got on though at last. I filmed the take off and we went over the bay of biscay on the way to Tenerife 

when landing I saw mount tede from above the clouds.

the next day I saw a canarian chiffchaff 

and I saw a Spanish sparrow for the first time. they were breeding at the hotel.

but one of my biggest highlights was snorkeling for the very first time

and the dolphins which i got to see for the very first time

 and mount tede a active volcano with many species only found on that mountain I saw crystal on a rock 

that was the last day. the next day we went on a trip but when it came to packing bags for the trip. I put my bag with the plastic bag on it ontop of my suitcase then gave it to her with the plastic bag on it but took it off and thought that she was going to put the bag in cause it didnt only have my stuff in the bag and as far as I knew the plastic bag was in the boot but at some point in the journey I wondered where the bag was and thought it might be in the boot cause i couldnt see it in the back. we checked the boot and it wasnt there. 

my ear defenders got left behind which was problomatic cause the person with me wasnt willing to go back and get the ear defenders and  soon we had to go to the air port. I was highly anxious and I found it diffucult getting her to understand the why it is important enough that we do have to go back anf get them we bought some silenceing headphones as an emergancy cause otherwise I wouldnt of been able to get on the plane. we went through disability asisstance. the plane was delayed by a couple of hours and we wernt able to get on until midnight. a teenager had a go in a wheelchair and a little boy was going up and down a slope behind me which i found acted as visual stimulation and made my anxiety worse. it isnt thetre fault its just cause im autistic but thanfuly things did cam down and at 12 o'clock we  lined up and got on the plane and came back to the uk by 4 or 5 oclock in the morning. 

  • it did go well. it actualy went quicker than I thought aswell I told them it hurts when i talk and drink and east and swallow and looked in my mouth with a torch and imedietly diagnosed it as tonsolitis in less than 5 minutes. so he has prescribed me anti biotics for it 

  • That is great about pharmacist. They are very well trained (almost as much as doctors). Being able to prescribe antibiotics is a recent ability and a good ability for them to have.

    I hope that the appointment went well.

  • its not to do woth overdose they jist didnt have a mar sheet for ibroprofen. 

    as for the pharmascist they got back to us today and an apointments been made for 12oclock so in 15 minutes. there going to have a look and then decide what I need based on that cause if its a infection then they will need to give me antibiotics 

  • just thought i would update on how im doing before I was going to give it a couple of days but thats not the case now 

    because my throat has been such a pain literaly at night I asked the people that look after me yesterday if they could make an apointment with thew doctor and fustraitingly I had to wait literaly all morning until the afternoon for them to make it even though they knew it was such a pain for me last night but did it eventualy the only thing is when they tryed to make the apointment the doctors were way too busy and the one that made the call suposedly didnt tell the person on the phone that Iv had it for 3 weeks (not 1 or 2) if its been more than a week then its advised to see a doctor  

    and its cause iv had it so long i need to go to the doctors instead but she  just told the doctor  I got a sore throat and what iv said about it and so either the doctor, nurse or receptionist on the phone said if its just a sore throat then just go starit to the pharmacy to look at it cause there trying to get people to go to the pharmacy instead cause its too busy at the doctors  for any more people so not much luck so far

    Im trying to get my throat looked at and sorted this week and know that I need some sort of pain relief in the evenings and that is what is making me so desperate cause i cant continue going without it in the evening cause its too bad in the evenings to go all night without any and its usualy at its worse at night and is getting worse every day. the thing is the person that was on the phone to the person who phoned the doctor doesnt know me so wouldnt understand that I get nervous when i go to doctors so it isnt something i would of done if I didnt want it sorted so soon cause its gone on for so long. I also havnt got to a pharmacy to have a look at a sore throat before and for me it would be better in a room on my own with the person looking at it and not in a shop with people lined up or walking about its not the right option for everyone but cause she doesnt know me and the doctors are very busy with lots of patiants thats what he or she said to her 

    they said they would get back to her yesterday so she can refer me to the pharmacy. the thing is it seems like something a doctor should look at in my case cause of the duriation of my sore throat and also due to the fact it wouldnt be suitable for my autism sensory wise and it is also something unfamiler I havnt done before so the whole making an apointment didnt go aswell as exspected cause now its delayed by having to go to a pharmacy to have it looked at before i can even go to the doctors to have it looked at or delat with. 

    no one knows why its lasted more than 3 weeks or if theres something in it cause of where it is in my throat and how llong its lasted so I feell like my throat is being overlooked by the medical practice  i usualy go to  since they thought if its just a sore throat I dont need to go to the doctors for it. 

    so it wasnt taken to be as important as they should of  given how long its been so its just left to hope that gets sorted. 

    in the meantime cause I cant be going without any type of painkillers every night I asked if i could have any ibroprofen but there wasnt any so I asked if we could get some more tomarow but there isnt a mar sheet for it so there going to do one and they dont know how its going to work so she will be asking about it tomarow so

    to help my case particularly since i dont want to still have this throat on my next holiday that is after next week and have to keep putting up with it every night which isnt healthy sleep wise or even in general particularly since it could be an infecction now rather than just a passing cold. 

     I decided to draw where it is hurting cause even though i told them its all the way up and down my throat and the side and gave them various other symptoms that may be useful for them they keep repeating its at the bottom when it isnt just at the bottom. its almost like they sort of cut what i said in half like a cake and left the exsplanation and correction out  to make things easyer so I decided to do a drawing to show them where it is tomarow I dont know weather I will need to show them or not but hopefuly not hopefuly they will sort the i broprofen out. im not getting my hopes up but hopefuly. 

    if my luck improves (if) then hopefuly I can be sore throat free for a change by the time I go on my next holiday which will be after next week 

  • Thank you for sharing about your dogs. I love dogs. I love them to bits. Unfortunately I am allergic to animals. Horses and cats very badly (hospital!), but dogs are bearable.  Luckily, as I got into middle age, this got a lot better. And I also recently heard of hypoallergenic dogs, that I have much less of a reaction too.

    My sister-in-law's dog is hypoallergenic. And I lover her to bits. I get to look after her, and have done so four times in the past 12 months since they got her as a puppy.

    I've shared a few pictures of her on this board, but here is another anyway. It was taken about a week ago...

    She sees me as a special fried. One time, we looked after her for a month which really cemented our relationship. When I visit, a get a very long and noisy welcome that other visitors do not get.

    Growing up, our family had five dogs over the years (not at the same time.) As my allergies got worse, I used to wear a face mask in the house (many many years before COVID!).

    I think we'll get a dog in the next 5 years or so.

    I think that it is great that you have rescue dogs. Our family had all types. Rescue, bred, re-homed. My wife says that I still go misty eyed when I talk about my old dogs.

    Wilber sounds great!

  • thanks. it doesnt nesacerily mean I wont be active  in the community. I will probably still be active to a certain exstent. and I dont mind talking about the dogs  or doing the guess who game or talking about Wildlife in general and other things im interested in and things like that its just thinking  about and writeing about this Wildlife holiday I went on recently. 

    with the dogs we actualy have Wilber Lucy, Lola, willow and Max. Mum usualy takes the ones that are best behaved with other dogs since on holidays in general we are bound to come across other dogs. Lucy is too outspoken and even howls if she sees another dog and lola isnt the best either. Max is too mych of a nervous dog and gets scared of strangers. 

    we dont normaly take wilber cause hes not the best with dogs either but we did last week. 

    we usualy just take Willow who is the best behaved om holidays and the non romanian rescues Alphie and ziggy. Alphie likes going on holiday but ziggy has seperation anxiety so cant stay behind even though he doesnt like dogs. so all together its usualy Willow Alphie and Ziggy 

    all the romanian rescues have differant exsperiances as a dog thats been rescued through adoption from Romanina. 

    they used to be Wild dogs. they  were born from there  parents out on the street and had to learn how to survive from there. 

    rather than being born through methods of domestication 

    and so were considered strays that had to learn how to survive on there own. people in strays in romania and then decided they dont want them and dont treat them properly and chuck them out 

    for instance with lucy she was found closed up in a bag with puppys 

    Max was tied to a post outside as a puppy and his eventualy collar dug in and injured him as he got older 

    Willow we arnt a hundred percent sure about her but we know that she jist like the others may have been hit at some point cause if you raise your hand willow imedietly gets scared and asumes your going to hit her 

    Lola I havnt asked much details about 

    but Wilbur is one of those that wasnt owned and literally Lived out on the streets by digging and  learning how to find food himself amoung other things 

    none of the romanian rescues were bred they were born out in the wild by there mother and lived out on the streets some get taken in some dont 

    if they get thrpwm out they leave them to be found by someone else or to be caught by the dog catchers trying to control the strays but they dont do it via humane methods and mis treat them and put them on death row and only a certain ampunt can be adopted at a time 

    Mum adopted them from a romaninan rescue charity that goes over and brings them to england for adoption

    Mum and Dad prefers romanian Rescues to ones that have been cross bred. 

    unfortunatly the other romanian rescues other than Max and Wilbur didnt get to know as puppys but Wilber amd Max I did. 

    Max took months to get used to use cause of his feat of strangers it used to be that I couldnt walk in or anyone else without him barking out of fear due to being mis treated in Romania but is no longer the case now. you just have to remember to try not to do anything he could mis interpret as threatening like unpredictability sudden noise or sudden  movements and then theres body language  like if he thinks your staring at him even if your not  he can percive that as challangeing him even if your not aware of it 

    the one that Iv bondest most with is wilber. ever since he was little hes allways been a nervous dog and has never been the type to sit on peoples laps I was the only one whos lap he would sit on as a puppy and when he got older he got less nervous and so is alot better and sits on other peoples laps aswell at times 

  • I totally understand. I hope that you get better soon.

  • just to exsplain things better about why I cant post my holiday at the monent. you would think posting my holiday would take my mind of it cause its about wildlife

    but my brain knows my memorys  of my holiday also involves my sore throat -  I had to have i broprofen and then in the evening 3 bottles of water of which I usualy went through two and started on the 3rd. 

    and so for this reason it doesnt take my mind off my cold so that im not thinking about it too much.

    even if I dont think about the cold element my brain already knows that my cold was also a theme  that also ocured.  

    so posting my holiday would remind me of my cold cause of how my brain works 

      (holiday) cold, 

    cold  (present)

    this is why in order to take my mimd of my sore throat the topic literaly has to be un related to anything that could make me think about my cold and thsts why  I cant do my holiday trip at the moment

    its so that im thinkng about things without any elements that involves things like colds and what not so that I can take my mind of it  until things sort themselfs out 

    taking my mind of things usualy works when I have a cold 

  • origionaly I was going to do the rest of the holiday thing first but thats going to take a long time so I dont mind telling you about the dogs until then. I will be going on holiday again in 2 weeks 

  • sorry abput the delay I decided to do it today instead but that didnt work out in the emd cause my cold has got worse compared to last week.

    it was origionaly getting better as of Friday but now my throat is very bad so it hurts when I talk or swallow and basically all the time aswell

    it started getting better from about Friday then today this morning wjen I woke up it jist got painful again.

      throughout the afternoon into the evening it gradually got worse and worse. im not really poorly and im not in bed all day. but it doesnt help when I think about it too much so It usualy helps when I try to think of other things so im trying not to think about it too much and do things to help me take my mimd of it.

     iv decided to play some games before doing  the holiday thing cause its easyer. for reasurance  its being kept an eye on for the next couple of days and if it doesnt get better then  il be going to the doctors cause Iv had it  for what is the   begining of 3 weeks now 

  • as for the dogs il tell you about the dogs after part 3 and 4 cause im having tea soon the longer bodied wasp like one is a wasp il go into more detail after Iv done part 3 and 4. the treecreeper was one of my favourates on holiday aswell

  • im going to do my part 3 and 4 of my holiday now cause Iv got tea in about an hour 

  • Thank you for sharing this. What a journey!

  • thanks. dont worry I know you will probably slip up until you get used to it. out of all the people who have had to get used to the whole name thing  my family at home have found it hardest cause  they have known me longest and even to this day my Mum slips up alot she has been doing it since 2020

    that  was the year I found out there was a term for my exsperiance in other words such a thing as transgender and that it described my exsperiances. I  tryed to keep it a secret at primary school and secondary  school but it was no secret with my family who i kept correcting and them correcting me in return saying but your not and saying its not right and that they cant call me he him usualy causeing me discomfort and fustration and sometimes she would even argue. my secondary school was no different from my primary school I kept it a secret from them up until I was 16 when i trusted someone to keep a secret that I feell like a male and dont like being called she and that i didnt like being called the name of my biological sex but that person i trusted with it who was part of my class  told the rest of my class in the playground and then when i told the teacher they have been good friends to me and that they  arnt good friends anymore in front of them in the whole class they outed me to the teacher. I kept it a secret again then up until college when at college  I corrected someone in front of a group of people and got outed again and had no education on the topic of gender identity and biological sex back then so i had no term I could use to describe myy exsperiance and i felt mis understood and people thought it was strange.  it wasnt until i told someone something that i warned they might interpret as strange and said that im comfused why I see myself as male and feel like a male and why im not comfortable with being called she and it makes me feell like im in the wrong body and the person said it sounds like transgender I looked it up and did some research through a book on transgender aswell as writeing reading and other things and it was then i came out to people. I hadnt yet changed my name i changed my pronouns first and then my name after but not legaly yet It took time for people to get used to it and would need bringing up on when they slip up  I hadnt come out to my family yet I was hesitant they wont be acepting cause of the amount of times they corrected me and obvious lack of understanding of what i was exsperiancing when I did risk it and tell them they said they wernt surprised. I came out to my other family like auntys and uncles aftterwards and then I went onto my doctor a few around 2022 2023 time period but it took longer for me to come out to my nurse who does my blood tests every year but did eventualy around the same time period. Iv found people who dont know me aswell as Mum and dad and my brother and sisster  actualy get the hang of my name and pronouns quicker even though they have known me for a long time. I came out to my sisster and brother aswell as my Mum and Dad eventualy but not at the same time. it does take time but you will get the hang of things eventualy

  • It sounds tough. It sounds like you have a very strong idea about who you are. I hope that these things get easier for you. Ideas like this are 'new' to us older people. I really do try to get it right, but will slip up. It doesn't sound very nice for you when people just carry on making the mistake over and over as if they don't care, though. I think you are amazing dealing with your phobias like you do and having a strong idea about who you really are.

  • there was one part that was stressful which was that I thought they were going to use the name im called now and not the one I used to be called when I was younger and it got shouted across the room which caused me dysphoria cause now a little boy and a man asumes i identify as what i was labeled based solely on the name that is usualy seen as feminine and one of the things i hate most is it shouted out for everyone in the whole room to hear both out and about too its not just limited to hospitals  and I dont want to be seen as the label i was given at birth  cause its not how I identify as. theres a differance between biological sex and gender identity and I didnt want how i was labeled revealed in such a public place and defantly not shouted across the room. the shouting caused me anxiety and then i did adress to the receptionist the name i prefer to be called for reasons that im transgender earlier but she obviously didnt pass it on and I also wasnt exspecting my dead name it to be used in the hospital or shouted at the very least. my dysphoria is bad enough as it is cause iv been to a gender clinic in hopes of getting hormones so that my body is congruent with my identity and so its hard to exsplain what it feells like when someone shouts your dead name across the room exspecialy in a public place. aparantly what they did is put the name i identify as right next to my dead name which is what caused the problom. the reason I thought they would call me by the correct name i identify with is cause my tuberous sclerosis exspert changed and corrected all his papaerwork to reflect my actual identity and that was at a hospital so things didnt go well in that sense it is making me contemplate getting my name changed legaly so that its on my passport and other legal papaerwork and things to avoid dysphoric situations like what happened at the hospital 

    and he kept calling me the wrong name and pronouns in the room and struggled to get a word in I kept opening my mouth but before i could speak he spoke so in the end Mum had to but in and tell him my prefered name and it was then I had a gap to tell him im transgender so that he knows its not just a nickname or something like that since some people call each other nicknames.  I took my ear defenders but noise wasnt an issue in the end and it was very quiet it was just the complication of being transgender and not yet having my name changed legaly 

  • I hope that the scan wasn't too stressful. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    I love the bees, and what is that longer bodied wasp/hornet looking one?

    I think my favourite is the treecreeper. I'd never heard of them before.

    I also want to hear more about your dogs, Wilbur and Willow! 'Romanian rescue' sounds intriguing.

  • im leaving to go to a scan a less invasive one that doesnt require radiation and not noisy to check my kidneys cause of my rare condition Tuberous sclerosis cause it also afecte them not just my brain so I will be going to that soon but when im back il see the coments if there is any on my wildlife guess who game post and finish of part 3 and 4 of my wildlife holiday on here 

  • thats interesting thanks for letting me know. Iv seen flys acidently get into fridges before and that is there favourate dinner