My Wildlife holidays.

Iv decided to do a forum on my wildlife holidays where I can tell you about my holiday rather than just sending pictures 

cause iv been on lots of them this year rather than only sending photos. also proper  trips il tell you about and add photos to go with it on this post aswell.  cause it will be easyer and better for me but is also  for holidays cause im going on lots of holidays this year and it deserves its own thread in this sense. 

my first holiday I went on this year was Wales. I went to Snowdonia near the national park 

we saw a lamma and a  pony

with  the view we got from the cottage we stayed in was of the sea 

Jackdaws perched on the buildings when we watched tv we went for a walk and I got great pictures of the moutains 

you could see them on the beach outline at the beach the waves I saw a literally called gray heron fly past 

the waves crashed against the rocks and became fully submerged until they broke and forced its way over.  my long lens saved my life by getting me up close enough to photograph the waders and I saw Great crested grebes.

back at the cottage herring gulls at Jackdaws

 the next day we went to the waterfalls I saw yellow gorse.

the water level was high but not flooded. it was a adventure and the gorse made it look colourful

it was massive then we went down the mountain the next day we went to the sea again and I saw a cormerent. there was lots of bladder wrack which is a type of seaweed. 

seaweed are actualy a type of algae. some can surve out the water for a certain period of time. others dont survive as well it depends on the type cause theres different types of seaweed. 

this one is normaly mistake for seaweed but is actualy a type of animal instead 

in July 

im very used to wildlife watching in the uk and while I have been to menorca I havnt wildlife watched there cause I didnt have an interest in Wildlife then so this was my first time wildlife watching in a different country. 

I allways have to wear ear defenders when i go to the air port but they had disability asistance. I had to improvise cause the person that supports me that went with me hasnt gone on holiday with me before and didnt know what to say or do with my sensory challanges at the airport. the person that was with me said she thinks il be fine but I knew cause of my autism cant deal with crowds so I said I have autism and I dont like crowds so would it be ok to go where its less busy or quiter and so she took me through. there was a point where we wernt sure if I had to take my ear defenders off at the part where you have to walk through and them see if you got metal on you so I asked the lady there if I could keep them on and she went off to ask the person behind the thing you have to walk through. I was very anxious at this point. it was time to put our items on the coveyerbelt and walk through the metal thing. The person with me for the holiday and me still didnt know so I was panicing inside and i was told to take them off by the person taking me which i was reluctant to do but the plaine lady came over and thumbed up us saying not to take them off and that  i can keep them on and we went through. the flight was delayed by an hour. but it was no ones fault cause they had to help somone who couldnt walk onto the plane. so we walked and stopped every 5 minutes so people were joking about that and inpatient at the same time. eventually we got on though at last. I filmed the take off and we went over the bay of biscay on the way to Tenerife 

when landing I saw mount tede from above the clouds.

the next day I saw a canarian chiffchaff 

and I saw a Spanish sparrow for the first time. they were breeding at the hotel.

but one of my biggest highlights was snorkeling for the very first time

and the dolphins which i got to see for the very first time

 and mount tede a active volcano with many species only found on that mountain I saw crystal on a rock 

that was the last day. the next day we went on a trip but when it came to packing bags for the trip. I put my bag with the plastic bag on it ontop of my suitcase then gave it to her with the plastic bag on it but took it off and thought that she was going to put the bag in cause it didnt only have my stuff in the bag and as far as I knew the plastic bag was in the boot but at some point in the journey I wondered where the bag was and thought it might be in the boot cause i couldnt see it in the back. we checked the boot and it wasnt there. 

my ear defenders got left behind which was problomatic cause the person with me wasnt willing to go back and get the ear defenders and  soon we had to go to the air port. I was highly anxious and I found it diffucult getting her to understand the why it is important enough that we do have to go back anf get them we bought some silenceing headphones as an emergancy cause otherwise I wouldnt of been able to get on the plane. we went through disability asisstance. the plane was delayed by a couple of hours and we wernt able to get on until midnight. a teenager had a go in a wheelchair and a little boy was going up and down a slope behind me which i found acted as visual stimulation and made my anxiety worse. it isnt thetre fault its just cause im autistic but thanfuly things did cam down and at 12 o'clock we  lined up and got on the plane and came back to the uk by 4 or 5 oclock in the morning. 

  • Thank you, Zo. We also saw metallic blue ones, but they didn't land so I couldn't get a photo.

    We saw lots of young seagulls in Eastbourne today

  • one of the biggest tell tail signs that help distinguish between Red Darter and Ruddy Darter is the part that looks like a tail its  actualy its abdomen in dragonflys unlike humans its thorax is the section between the head and the tail. 

    Red Darter has a flat abdomen - the part that resembles a tail. 

    the Ruddy darter has a club shaped abdomen 

    so next time you see one see if it has a club shaped abdomen or not and that will help you tell the two apart 

  • Hi Zo.

    Today on the first of our days off, my wife and I went to Hampstead Heath. We saw this dragonfly in one of the gardens. Do you know what it is?

  • It is rare so there wasnt any guarantee I would see them but the liklihood is higher than before the reintroduced them cause they used to be absent from Cheshire and the liklihood is higher than if I looked where they cant be found it but they arw there you just have to really look hard which I couldnt do cause I couldnt stop for long enough

  • That's a shame about not seeing those dragonflies. You sound good at directions. I am terrible at directions and maps. I love that you used your camera as a security camera! You found the suspects like a wildlife detective!

    (I am on a short holiday later today for a long weekend. I will still look here on my phone but will find it harder to find the time)

  • I hope you all enjoy this one I will be doing the last parts  this week but I dont know when so enjoy the part of the trip iv just sent for now 

  • I wont put alot of details for now cause im so slow today. il do the next segment after this. I didnt take much pictures here at this nature reserve iv started with this first. I suggested going to this nature reserve with the big massive pond it is also famous for the rare dragonfly called the white faced darter. 

    Mum and Dad kept stopping to look at the map at first but Dad only had the trail map and struggled with seeing where to go to get to the pond I showed them the way there with the map on my phone which has a compas navigation on photos so he used it for referance next to the trail map. I held the dog for Mum at one point when we were almost there cause she has a bad wrist and has a bandage to keep it in place. 

    I did offer again later but she was ok. 

    I was hoping to see the dragonfly I didnt see it this time but I saw other things. we couldnt stop at the pond much cause there was lots of dog walkers and the dogs dont like them and I ddnt have long. i only had time to film the birds so Iv taken a screenshot of the birds i saw from the film of them i filmed.

    canada goose 

    after this I carried on telling them where the map says where we are going and what path to take. Dad wondered where the forest holidays is when we got to a certain point. Dad thought we were lost but I looked on the map and we were heading towards 2 paths one that carrys on and one that goes up and goes to a car park so I told and showed  Dad the car park and said we need to go there Dad had doubts and so thought we needed to go the oposite direction when we were on the way even though the map clearly said what the path is to go to the car park and said that the car park is the way out after some time when we had to go out the way cause of a dog and went back out and Dad considered where to go I had to reiterate again and even though he wasnt sure he started to think I was right so he checked his map and compared but I told him it is and he said yes I think we should go this way to Mum and that he thinks im right so went down there and we found the car park and the car and went back to the cabin. 

    at the cabin before i had been wondering who took the fat balls on the bridge banister and I suspected the crow. I also partialy suspected squirrel but wasnt sure and had also put some seeds out on a leaf for the small birds cause the crow was only interested in the fat balls and it ignored the seeds i put out. 

    so before i went to the nature reserve i set my camara to film where the fat ball is like a security camara and it caught the crow and then later on it caught the gray squirrel looking for them on the banister where i origionaly put some other ones. so I found the suspects. later on a flock of small birds came to eat the seeds on the leaf. unfortunatly I had managed to pull a muscle before going to the forest ranger activity but I still went. that will be in the next part I got alot more photos and more things talk about in that one for instance i was lucky enough to see a un common fungi thats called artists bracket cause you can write on it in ink but like I said il tell you about the trip in the next part 

  • im going to do it now 

  • thanks. dont worry I do enjoy doing it its just that im very slow today and I dont know weather I will have time or not. alot of things havnt been working out this week and  I of course planned to do it today. but if I feell up to doing it and I have time I will do it this evening. il let you know later this evening if i do. if I dont do it this evening then i need to do it before holiday so that i can get it done before my next holiday. but I will defantly be doing this week cause I really want to get it done before my next holiday. cause i really do want to share it with everyone I just prefer to do one holiday then go onto the other after.

  • Hi Zo.

    Please don't let this become a source of anxiety for you. We all have enough anxiety without this forum becoming one as well. Post about your holidays anytime you feel up to doing it. It should be a fun thing to do and not an obligation. Take it easy this evening.

  • im not trying to be a pain by the way cause  thats not something I would do. I just havnt been able to find enough time to finish it  if I do do one (later this evening)  I will.  

    its just that if i do do one later this evening  I will be a lot slower than normal. if I do one on Friday, Saturday, Sunday I will be faster.  but there only one or two parts left so not much other parts left to do. 

  • im not sure if I will be able to send my holiday or not  my mind has been very slow since iv got up this morning and im doing everything very slowly so even if i do It will probably take a long time. im going to try later on this evening  if I dont do it this evening it will have to be either Friday or the weekend cause I wont be able to do it tomarow. I also  dont want to rush it when I do do it cause I got alot to write aswell so when I do I will probably take my time on it but it wont take as long as if I were to do it today cause im slow with everything today but like I said I will try this evening and if not it will be Friday or the weekend but i will try to get it done this week cause I will be away next week

  • That is sad, Zo. But, at least you won't get the flu from them before your holiday.

    I struggle with transitions in conversations too. My wife does it all the time, and I have to get clarification quite a lot.

    The worst is when the new thing also makes sense with the old thing - so I don't even know the conversation has moved on and things get surreal - I should try and remember when this happens so I can post them to your jokes thread. (Made up example, first talking about her sister, then talking about the dog, and says "we should brush her", and I think she's talking about her sister still. I made that up, but that's the kind of thing that I mean.)

  • thats ok. sorry for taking so long to respond iv been too busy this morning to be online cause of something I didnt do yesterday. Mums also got back to me and said there still poorly and that even if they were to be better they would have to go to work  from after today so il only be able to see them on holiday. there was a mis communication between me and her yesterday cause she told me she was going to tell me on wednesday morning so I had in my head she was going to tell me if shes better on Wednesday morning but  when I sent her the Harry Potter animation I made cause my mind was fixated on that at the time and everything else was blocked out when Mum phraised me and leaped from that to a different topic and i struggle to transition from a speacial interest to a irelevent topic it needs to be gradual and not sudden otherwise i dont process whats being communicated properly I took it as just a repeate from today and not an update cause she wont know if shes better tomarow until tomarow. so this morning I asked if shes better today and she said no and about work and that (so) I said ok cause I thought you were going to let me know today if your better today and she said i told you yesterday. 

    but yes so Iv just found out today that shes not coming to pick me up today and that she wont be able to see me until holiday

  • Thanks for telling me how you did it. I will try that when I next want to make an animation. The stage I had not thought of was the MB to KB convertor. That is a great idea!

  • sucsessfuly sent a gif so to answer that question to let you know how I did it. I used a convert mp4 to gif converter and then I used a megabyte  to kb converter to convert the file size to what size i needed the photo to be cause the forum will only allow a certain photo size.  all you have to do is type mp4 to gif converter in search and theres lots of them but the one I prefer to use is online convert cause then you can also convert Jpeg images to mov or gif but like I said I found lots of options when I typed it in the search bar. then if you need to convert file size to kb to reduce the size  after you have changed the file to gif then you can just type megabyte to kb converter again I found lots of them when I typed that anyway this is how iv managed to send a gif 

  • im going to do the next part of my holiday at some point today   I was going to do them yesterday but I was too tired from my anti biotics and it felt abit much to do at the time cause of that 

  • it is in fact one of the things the documentary is well known for is the fact its documentary epesodes on certain real life mysterys from a variety of subjects but exspecialy in relation to mysterys as a crime theme like missing persons and what not has in fact actualy  helped solve proper real life mysterys of those its about either from someone seeing it and recognising the person or filing in missing infomation that was essential to solving it. 

    im not having much luck with clubs and if i do do competiitions after training for them or do any competions in martial arts from traing in that or anything else aswell as that then I will need to come up with soloutions for the potential for sensory overload either noise wise or crowd wise. i also tend to get left out of teams for some reason and tend to run into communication issues between me and them. iv had the same with family members when they have family gatherings so  its not jsut groups at clubs either.  I tend to get ignored easily cause im the quiet one or cause im fixated on what there not interested in talking about. or they dont want to talk to me but others instead. I dont know why it happens. It tends to be less of a problom with people who are younger than me and more of a problom with people the same age or older.

    Im usualy at a different developmental stage cause of my learning disability or there less interested or not interested if i ever go to a club people are usualy at stages  i havnt reached yet and when thats the case there only interested in being friendly to those who look or act  there age and dont look or act behind.

    suposed to of reached the same dvelopmental stage as them since im the same physical age as them or older so it disapoints them when they discover im not and find it embarrasing being around me since i dont act like them and therfore  dont want anthing to do with me. its  usualy  cause i look younger and  tend to act younger than my physical age cause im slower developmentaly and things they understand i wouldnt cause of both my autism and learning disability either socially or sensory wise  or developmentaly 

    cause of my disability its like  my mind is slower than usual and so never seems to keeps up with whats exspected of people my age developmentaly as i get older or just doesnt seem to keep up with everyone else  so grows at a rate younger than my actual age and is allways behind. its usually  younger than my physical age. others around my physical age or older are usualy ahead of me in terms of development even though its the same age range or older they also usualy understand the things i wouldnt due to my disabilitys and its cause of that people usualy have excuses to under estimate or make un fair comments i normaly from other people my age who understand certain things better than me due to my disability  tend to get comments like if i use my brother as a good  example things like  my brother gave when he was younger than me due to being  older developmentaly saying im stupid cause i dont understand something everyone knows it at my age or useing words like the r word or complain about say my understanding of literal language or certain aspects of social communication that i wouldnt understand due to my autism also sometimes or sometimes can also  get  treated  unfairly in some way cause they understand better or more than i do social rules or things people my age have normaly learned.  i havnt had the best exsperiances in teams who are the same age or older. 

    iv had a few ocassions where people who are one year younger than me or a few years younger have already  living in a house on there own amoung other things you name it so are there before me and no longer interested  what i am or what i like to do anymore but in most cases its usualy people the same age or older in groups 

    usualy people in the same group as me are more mature developmentaly even  though im around the same age  with focus on things im not at yet  learning how to drive,  knowing how to pay your own bills you liveing  in a house on your own and taking care of finances and knowing how much money things add up to and weather its exspensive for an item or not amoung  other things

      people in those same age groups in teams at clubs  usualy  like to refer to there probloms compared to me as (adult) probloms cause there grown up. it doesnt escape them im behind them either emotionally or developmentally if im around there age or older and they normaly  like to say there more mature than me cause there older than me developmentaly and me having a disability is usualy used as an excuse by them for things normaly usualy to why i cant do stuff that theres no reason that i cant do for any reason and therefore doesnt mean i should be left out of  even though i have a disability and things like that 

    alot of neurotypical people around my age or older also think i can do less than i actualy can when they either ffind out i have a learning disability as a team or pick up on it one way or another

    but also it can go the oposite way and asume i can do more than i actualy can. since they notice its mild or  moderate and not severe 

    alot of the time it can make people focus on the negative more rather  than what strengths that my learning disability could have that they  could potentialy take advantage of to help  train and win and help to work together as a team

    and sometimes it can even make people over protective same for my Autism but my autism with hypersensitive hearing and crowds not everyone in a group nesacerily understands either even though the autistic challange of my hearing being over sensitive to any noise  can be turned into a stength that could be used to work together for instance

    on the other hand at the same time it can also help the team support you better and it isnt impossible to take part weather you have autism or not as long as you know what your going to do and how to deal with it that is how i would have to go about the probloms abouve are also inetable no matter what club i go to but its just another one of the challanges of being autistic and having a learning disability that afects you in groups not just outside of them so thats just something i need to keep in mind. at the moment i havnt even managed to join a club yet and theres a very high liklihood it wont work out but even if it doesnt i will probably continue working towards my goals anyway but im hoping even though theres only a exstremely slim chance partivularly with the athletics that i will be able to. 

    the athletics club was sent a membership for me to join but they  havnt got back for about a month and have already been chased up and still nothing back aswell, but while iv been waiting iv been working on my other goal that i have aswell so iv been learning about media literacy and journalism and how to be a journalist. im particularly interested in the fact checking side of it but i also like the reporting side aswell and have done free courses on it by certain news room websites i trust to an exstent and am hoping to now do a introductery course by nctj national traning for journalists. only after doing all the modules il be ready for the next step which you can do either at a place like school or college thats acredited by them or do it online but i first need a certain grade in GCSE in either maths and literature or English which i havnt done before to get into a university in Cheltenham that trains you up for being a journalist and that also prepears you for a job in it if you wanted on so would also be an opportunity to open me up to a job should i decide i want to get a job in the future one day. 

    im thinking of doing the holiday very soon iv been thinking either this evening or tomarow