My Wildlife holidays.

Iv decided to do a forum on my wildlife holidays where I can tell you about my holiday rather than just sending pictures 

cause iv been on lots of them this year rather than only sending photos. also proper  trips il tell you about and add photos to go with it on this post aswell.  cause it will be easyer and better for me but is also  for holidays cause im going on lots of holidays this year and it deserves its own thread in this sense. 

my first holiday I went on this year was Wales. I went to Snowdonia near the national park 

we saw a lamma and a  pony

with  the view we got from the cottage we stayed in was of the sea 

Jackdaws perched on the buildings when we watched tv we went for a walk and I got great pictures of the moutains 

you could see them on the beach outline at the beach the waves I saw a literally called gray heron fly past 

the waves crashed against the rocks and became fully submerged until they broke and forced its way over.  my long lens saved my life by getting me up close enough to photograph the waders and I saw Great crested grebes.

back at the cottage herring gulls at Jackdaws

 the next day we went to the waterfalls I saw yellow gorse.

the water level was high but not flooded. it was a adventure and the gorse made it look colourful

it was massive then we went down the mountain the next day we went to the sea again and I saw a cormerent. there was lots of bladder wrack which is a type of seaweed. 

seaweed are actualy a type of algae. some can surve out the water for a certain period of time. others dont survive as well it depends on the type cause theres different types of seaweed. 

this one is normaly mistake for seaweed but is actualy a type of animal instead 

in July 

im very used to wildlife watching in the uk and while I have been to menorca I havnt wildlife watched there cause I didnt have an interest in Wildlife then so this was my first time wildlife watching in a different country. 

I allways have to wear ear defenders when i go to the air port but they had disability asistance. I had to improvise cause the person that supports me that went with me hasnt gone on holiday with me before and didnt know what to say or do with my sensory challanges at the airport. the person that was with me said she thinks il be fine but I knew cause of my autism cant deal with crowds so I said I have autism and I dont like crowds so would it be ok to go where its less busy or quiter and so she took me through. there was a point where we wernt sure if I had to take my ear defenders off at the part where you have to walk through and them see if you got metal on you so I asked the lady there if I could keep them on and she went off to ask the person behind the thing you have to walk through. I was very anxious at this point. it was time to put our items on the coveyerbelt and walk through the metal thing. The person with me for the holiday and me still didnt know so I was panicing inside and i was told to take them off by the person taking me which i was reluctant to do but the plaine lady came over and thumbed up us saying not to take them off and that  i can keep them on and we went through. the flight was delayed by an hour. but it was no ones fault cause they had to help somone who couldnt walk onto the plane. so we walked and stopped every 5 minutes so people were joking about that and inpatient at the same time. eventually we got on though at last. I filmed the take off and we went over the bay of biscay on the way to Tenerife 

when landing I saw mount tede from above the clouds.

the next day I saw a canarian chiffchaff 

and I saw a Spanish sparrow for the first time. they were breeding at the hotel.

but one of my biggest highlights was snorkeling for the very first time

and the dolphins which i got to see for the very first time

 and mount tede a active volcano with many species only found on that mountain I saw crystal on a rock 

that was the last day. the next day we went on a trip but when it came to packing bags for the trip. I put my bag with the plastic bag on it ontop of my suitcase then gave it to her with the plastic bag on it but took it off and thought that she was going to put the bag in cause it didnt only have my stuff in the bag and as far as I knew the plastic bag was in the boot but at some point in the journey I wondered where the bag was and thought it might be in the boot cause i couldnt see it in the back. we checked the boot and it wasnt there. 

my ear defenders got left behind which was problomatic cause the person with me wasnt willing to go back and get the ear defenders and  soon we had to go to the air port. I was highly anxious and I found it diffucult getting her to understand the why it is important enough that we do have to go back anf get them we bought some silenceing headphones as an emergancy cause otherwise I wouldnt of been able to get on the plane. we went through disability asisstance. the plane was delayed by a couple of hours and we wernt able to get on until midnight. a teenager had a go in a wheelchair and a little boy was going up and down a slope behind me which i found acted as visual stimulation and made my anxiety worse. it isnt thetre fault its just cause im autistic but thanfuly things did cam down and at 12 o'clock we  lined up and got on the plane and came back to the uk by 4 or 5 oclock in the morning. 

  • its not to do woth overdose they jist didnt have a mar sheet for ibroprofen. 

    as for the pharmascist they got back to us today and an apointments been made for 12oclock so in 15 minutes. there going to have a look and then decide what I need based on that cause if its a infection then they will need to give me antibiotics 

  • That is great about pharmacist. They are very well trained (almost as much as doctors). Being able to prescribe antibiotics is a recent ability and a good ability for them to have.

    I hope that the appointment went well.

  • it did go well. it actualy went quicker than I thought aswell I told them it hurts when i talk and drink and east and swallow and looked in my mouth with a torch and imedietly diagnosed it as tonsolitis in less than 5 minutes. so he has prescribed me anti biotics for it 

  • I'm looking forward to you posting more about your holiday!

    I don't think it is possible to be contagious for more than a few weeks with a cold. I understand you don't want to jeopardise your chance at seeing them. It's hard for us to hide things. I blurt these things out anyway, even if I don't want to. Hopefully you'll feel better by then. It's important to finish the antibiotics even if feeling better.

    My mum was a nurse for many years and then she hurt her back and became a teacher after that.

  • So many people on this site have anxiety about the same sort of situations that you describe. I do too.

    thanks. yes that is a good thing in the sense that cause of that people can relate to each other

    my Mum is a nurse and works at a hospital in a ward

     so she knows alot about colds and various other things. my Dad has a job at Nokia so he works with phones and computers and is very into technology and allways wanting to get exspensive things that come like the ipad model this or that or some other latest technology. goes on holidays to places around the world for meetings for his work but mainly works from home. so Mum is the one that knows all about the medical things at home.  if I were to let her know that I have tonsolitus she would probably know alot about it although she hasnt had good exsperiances with the NHS  from managers and other factors in the hospitals shes worked for and has had to quit jobs in those hospitals cause of how she was treated. she went onto working at a place like a care home but also abit like a hospital but for working for people with Autism and learning disabilitys amoung other conditions that need help due to things like illnesess and diseazes health wise or that are in critical condition where she takes care of patients but she didnt work there for long then she went back to working at a hospital again. she has been working at hospitals ever since i was a baby so she has alot of exsperiance but cause she does Mum would know that tonsolitis is caused by colds and so she could thrfore think that I have a cold aswell as tonsolitius particularly since I had cold symptoms before i went on holiday and my Mum had a cold with a sore throat aswell. 

    I wouldnt mind telling her I have tonsolitis if she would still let me see her but its cause she could say well if your poorly maybe you shouldnt come over and she could say this even if she doesnt think i have a cold so regardless of weather she thinks i have one or not and Mum would have to give me both the i broprofen and anti biotics at the set times that have been set and she has the dogs aswell as Alex to look after. my brother is diagnosed with depression like me aswell and was diagnosed with  an anxiety disorder called social anxiety a few years ago and cause of his social anxiety spends alot of time in his room rather than socialising and has probloms with eating with people cause of his anxiety and they give him chores and   make sure they still interact with him cause he rarey socialises with the family. and then theres all the dogs that they need to look after  so I dont know if the timing of my medications could be an issue on Sunday and maybe cause her to say i wont be able to come home in this case 

    ithe reason im anxious about it is of mainly in case she thinks either i have a cold. or she thinks if im poorly i shouldnt come home. or that handling my medication could be a problom but then a part of me keeps telling me i need to tell her at the same time so its the whole everything changeing cause of it and so its hard to decide weather i should let mum know about what i got or not cause of my anxiety cause of change and i normaly see her every week. 

    iwhat im glad about most is that now theres hope for my exstremely painful throat that is painful all day and un bearable at night  to get better cause what is causeing it is being treated with medication and that i can be pain free on my next holiday unlike the last few weeks and my holiday i went on. i m still going to post my holiday eventualy

  • I meant tonsolitits. I didnt realise i put tinititus. I do get ringing in my ears or rather a sharp sound like a broken microphone making a horrible noise it can re ocur but not allways and usualy only lasts for 5 mintuess if I have been in a noisy situation and my ears find the noise in the envirement too loud or too noisy and more frequently if iv been in that envirement  for a long time but it tends to come on out of nowhere so i dont ever know if or when it will ocur but its not  a every day or daily basis cause it has to be triggered by sensory overwhelm or from if I get too anxious or get emotions that come on suddenly that are very strong and intense. but it doesnt allways ocur when a source could trigger it sometimes it can take me needing to be in those situation for a very long time for it to ocur whereas sometimes it doesnt ocur at all but those are the usual triggers for me.  but no I didnt mean ringing in the ears 

    I dont know for sure but hopefuly your right that its long gone  I still have the blocked up nose and sneazing so that is why im still not sure it could be that im at the end of it. i do have rhinitis which can cause  symptoms like  blocked up nose and runny nose and dry and sore eyes. usualy in response to things like dust and pollen.  im very self aware and im usualy good and telling for instance weather something is caused by my rhinitis or not even if it is similar aswell as if  i just have a general sore throat or weather i have a cold i have a certain level of doubt about weather it is still about or not but my main concern is that mum will asume i have a cold since it can cause tonsolitus not  if i still have a cold as such. it can take me longer to recover from illnesess including colds cause i take a medicane that I need to take but that comprimises my imune system as one of the side effects which means i have a low immune system. it seems to be gone mostly though compared to before. thats interesting you say that for you you get a chest infection. for me i usualy get a blocked and runny nose and sneaze combined with a sore throat but for me my body particularly cherishes sore throats out of all other symptoms and its usualy the one that lasts the longest. it usualy causes  me probloms with eating and sleeping. I have a very restricted diet and eat the same things every day but im very fussy with texture and allways have been since i was younger and i tend to chnage my diet to more restrictive foods when i have a sore throat cause i will only eat soft foods cause its painful to swallow. i and then im born with a sleep disorder and so sore throats make my disorder worse even though its just a cold when i catch them they do last longer than normal and tend to worsen certain things I have like abouve but even though they do tend to take longer than usual to get better they do get better and although i find them hard to deal with cause there painful iv never had a sore throat as painful as this one only once i have. in my case i tend to get more head colds and sore throats rather than chest infections iv had them before but not often. 

    dont worry i know tonsolitis isnt infectious like i said its what causes the tonsolitis and not the tonsolitis so i know what may of caused it given i had a cold before the tonsolitis developed. 

    for me in my case I dont normaly get chest infections but my body loves sore throats and every now and then it   likes to give me an infection either before or after a cold every now and then its one of its favourate hobbys and usualy in a very un timely manner. 

    thanks for letting me know what you meant by the advocating yourself  thing. 

  • Advocating means speaking up for. An advocate is "a person who puts a case on someone else's behalf." But you have been able to put your own case forward to people. Even though it must be hard to do. You got seen by someone in the end.

    When I get a cold, about a quarter of the times I end up with a chest infection.

    Tinnitus isn't infectious (do you mean a ringing in your ears?)

    Your tonsilitis won't be infectious.

    Your cold would be infectious, but it is long gone. You may even have caught it off your mum or dad all those weeks ago.

    So you should be OK to see them.

    So many people on this site have anxiety about the same sort of situations that you describe. I do too.

  • thanks. dont worry I know that thats why I wasnt asking for medical advice. I found out that you can take i broprofin with tonsolitis and not just colds. interestingly it can be caused by both viral and bacterial infections but viral infections are very common and acount for alot of cases. so what happened is that I could of had a cold to start with which would make sense cause I previously kept getting a blocked up and runny nose, itchy dry and sore eyes which eventualy became swollen cause they were itchy and iritated which made me rub and headache and started sneezing  alot the swollen eyes went away but the blocked up nose, sore and dry eyess and everything stayed then eventualy I developed a sore throat which has been around for 3 weeks now. im under the suspiction that if this is in fact the case that it was caused by the cold I had  then the tinititus could of started developing at some point during that time frame or afterwards cause it was only a few weeks ago before my holiday and i still had the cold at the start of it. 

    i found it very helpful finding out what it was from the pharmacist  cause that makes things clearer 

    I was anxious cause since i havnt done it before I thought it was going to be looked at at the counter with the medicane people where people would be walking about and there would be distarctions and not in a room on my own without any visual or auditory distractions with an actual proper professional. I actualy took my ear defenders and a few pieces of paper in case i need to write and draw to help exsplain anything but there was barely anyone there and it was quiet and we waited on a chair which i didnt know was what we were going to do and then went into a room with a man which i didnt know we were also going to do either cause iv never done it before but unfortunatly no one in the house thought i needed to be told whats going to happen and didnt tell me whats going to have in each step from walking in to going in so i continued thinking what i did and being anxious about it when the anxiety could of been avoided from being talked through properly whats going to happen. i did ask what is going to happen and stuff but all i was told was that after a phone call you go into a pharmacy to look at it and you need to do that before you to the doctor which while that was helpful to an exstent  wasnt quiet what i meaant so i remained Anxious and confused about everything.  but that aaside the main reason i went was to get something for it but additionally I would be able to. find out what it is which means me and everyone else  wont be walking around wondering and guessing all day and il be able to get it dealt with before I go on holiday, the only issue i have at the mom has messaged me today and said she will  seeing me on Sunday so  is that il be going to see my Mum and Dad on Sunday and im worried about telling them about my tinitis cause i dont want them saying i cant see them but i dont know weather i still have the cold along side it or weather its gone and its just the tinitius cause its the cause of the titinitus that is contageous and not the tinitius but then again i could of still had a cold when i saw them anyway. I didnt know it was infection but started to supect it to be cause its lasted 3 weeks and cause of how painful it is amoung other symptoms and in the end it turned out I made the best decition cause unlike colds that get better in a week infections just get worse and worse and continue to and so it would of been worse rather than better in a couple of days. I thought it would defanatly be a good idea to get it sorted now rather than have to wait for a couple of days just in case. both my mind and my feelling kept telling me not to wait for a couple of days and it turned out to be correct so my body must of been trying to tell me something on a mental level aswell and not just physicaly. if the anti biotics and i broprofen work then i have a high chance of being better for my holiday. 

    just out of curiosity what do you mean by advocating for myself? im not sure weather i understand what it means or not so thought i should ask 

  • thanks. dont worry I know that thats why I wasnt asking for medical advice. I found out that you can take i broprofin with tonsolitis and not just colds. interestingly it can be caused by both viral and bacterial infections but viral infections are very common and acount for alot of cases. so what happened is that I could of had a cold to start with which would make sense cause I previously kept getting a blocked up and runny nose, itchy dry and sore eyes which eventualy became swollen cause they were itchy and iritated which made me rub and headache and started sneezing  alot the swollen eyes went away but the blocked up nose, sore and dry eyess and everything stayed then eventualy I developed a sore throat which has been around for 3 weeks now. im under the suspiction that if this is in fact the case that it was caused by the cold I had  then the tinititus could of started developing at some point during that time frame or afterwards cause it was only a few weeks ago before my holiday and i still had the cold at the start of it. 

    i found it very helpful finding out what it was from the pharmacist  cause that makes things clearer 

    I was anxious cause since i havnt done it before I thought it was going to be looked at at the counter with the medicane people where people would be walking about and there would be distarctions and not in a room on my own without any visual or auditory distractions with an actual proper professional. I actualy took my ear defenders and a few pieces of paper in case i need to write and draw to help exsplain anything but there was barely anyone there and it was quiet and we waited on a chair which i didnt know was what we were going to do and then went into a room with a man which i didnt know we were also going to do either cause iv never done it before but unfortunatly no one in the house thought i needed to be told whats going to happen and didnt tell me whats going to have in each step from walking in to going in so i continued thinking what i did and being anxious about it when the anxiety could of been avoided from being talked through properly whats going to happen. i did ask what is going to happen and stuff but all i was told was that after a phone call you go into a pharmacy to look at it and you need to do that before you to the doctor which while that was helpful to an exstent  wasnt quiet what i meaant so i remained Anxious and confused about everything.  but that aaside the main reason i went was to get something for it but additionally I would be able to. find out what it is which means me and everyone else  wont be walking around wondering and guessing all day and il be able to get it dealt with before I go on holiday, the only issue i have at the mom has messaged me today and said she will  seeing me on Sunday so  is that il be going to see my Mum and Dad on Sunday and im worried about telling them about my tinitis cause i dont want them saying i cant see them but i dont know weather i still have the cold along side it or weather its gone and its just the tinitius cause its the cause of the titinitus that is contageous and not the tinitius but then again i could of still had a cold when i saw them anyway. I didnt know it was infection but started to supect it to be cause its lasted 3 weeks and cause of how painful it is amoung other symptoms and in the end it turned out I made the best decition cause unlike colds that get better in a week infections just get worse and worse and continue to and so it would of been worse rather than better in a couple of days. I thought it would defanatly be a good idea to get it sorted now rather than have to wait for a couple of days just in case. both my mind and my feelling kept telling me not to wait for a couple of days and it turned out to be correct so my body must of been trying to tell me something on a mental level aswell and not just physicaly. if the anti biotics and i broprofen work then i have a high chance of being better for my holiday. 

    just out of curiosity what do you mean by advocating for myself? im not sure weather i understand what it means or not so thought i should ask 

  • I'm looking forward to you posting more about your holiday!

    I don't think it is possible to be contagious for more than a few weeks with a cold. I understand you don't want to jeopardise your chance at seeing them. It's hard for us to hide things. I blurt these things out anyway, even if I don't want to. Hopefully you'll feel better by then. It's important to finish the antibiotics even if feeling better.

    My mum was a nurse for many years and then she hurt her back and became a teacher after that.

  • So many people on this site have anxiety about the same sort of situations that you describe. I do too.

    thanks. yes that is a good thing in the sense that cause of that people can relate to each other

    my Mum is a nurse and works at a hospital in a ward

     so she knows alot about colds and various other things. my Dad has a job at Nokia so he works with phones and computers and is very into technology and allways wanting to get exspensive things that come like the ipad model this or that or some other latest technology. goes on holidays to places around the world for meetings for his work but mainly works from home. so Mum is the one that knows all about the medical things at home.  if I were to let her know that I have tonsolitus she would probably know alot about it although she hasnt had good exsperiances with the NHS  from managers and other factors in the hospitals shes worked for and has had to quit jobs in those hospitals cause of how she was treated. she went onto working at a place like a care home but also abit like a hospital but for working for people with Autism and learning disabilitys amoung other conditions that need help due to things like illnesess and diseazes health wise or that are in critical condition where she takes care of patients but she didnt work there for long then she went back to working at a hospital again. she has been working at hospitals ever since i was a baby so she has alot of exsperiance but cause she does Mum would know that tonsolitis is caused by colds and so she could thrfore think that I have a cold aswell as tonsolitius particularly since I had cold symptoms before i went on holiday and my Mum had a cold with a sore throat aswell. 

    I wouldnt mind telling her I have tonsolitis if she would still let me see her but its cause she could say well if your poorly maybe you shouldnt come over and she could say this even if she doesnt think i have a cold so regardless of weather she thinks i have one or not and Mum would have to give me both the i broprofen and anti biotics at the set times that have been set and she has the dogs aswell as Alex to look after. my brother is diagnosed with depression like me aswell and was diagnosed with  an anxiety disorder called social anxiety a few years ago and cause of his social anxiety spends alot of time in his room rather than socialising and has probloms with eating with people cause of his anxiety and they give him chores and   make sure they still interact with him cause he rarey socialises with the family. and then theres all the dogs that they need to look after  so I dont know if the timing of my medications could be an issue on Sunday and maybe cause her to say i wont be able to come home in this case 

    ithe reason im anxious about it is of mainly in case she thinks either i have a cold. or she thinks if im poorly i shouldnt come home. or that handling my medication could be a problom but then a part of me keeps telling me i need to tell her at the same time so its the whole everything changeing cause of it and so its hard to decide weather i should let mum know about what i got or not cause of my anxiety cause of change and i normaly see her every week. 

    iwhat im glad about most is that now theres hope for my exstremely painful throat that is painful all day and un bearable at night  to get better cause what is causeing it is being treated with medication and that i can be pain free on my next holiday unlike the last few weeks and my holiday i went on. i m still going to post my holiday eventualy

  • I meant tonsolitits. I didnt realise i put tinititus. I do get ringing in my ears or rather a sharp sound like a broken microphone making a horrible noise it can re ocur but not allways and usualy only lasts for 5 mintuess if I have been in a noisy situation and my ears find the noise in the envirement too loud or too noisy and more frequently if iv been in that envirement  for a long time but it tends to come on out of nowhere so i dont ever know if or when it will ocur but its not  a every day or daily basis cause it has to be triggered by sensory overwhelm or from if I get too anxious or get emotions that come on suddenly that are very strong and intense. but it doesnt allways ocur when a source could trigger it sometimes it can take me needing to be in those situation for a very long time for it to ocur whereas sometimes it doesnt ocur at all but those are the usual triggers for me.  but no I didnt mean ringing in the ears 

    I dont know for sure but hopefuly your right that its long gone  I still have the blocked up nose and sneazing so that is why im still not sure it could be that im at the end of it. i do have rhinitis which can cause  symptoms like  blocked up nose and runny nose and dry and sore eyes. usualy in response to things like dust and pollen.  im very self aware and im usualy good and telling for instance weather something is caused by my rhinitis or not even if it is similar aswell as if  i just have a general sore throat or weather i have a cold i have a certain level of doubt about weather it is still about or not but my main concern is that mum will asume i have a cold since it can cause tonsolitus not  if i still have a cold as such. it can take me longer to recover from illnesess including colds cause i take a medicane that I need to take but that comprimises my imune system as one of the side effects which means i have a low immune system. it seems to be gone mostly though compared to before. thats interesting you say that for you you get a chest infection. for me i usualy get a blocked and runny nose and sneaze combined with a sore throat but for me my body particularly cherishes sore throats out of all other symptoms and its usualy the one that lasts the longest. it usualy causes  me probloms with eating and sleeping. I have a very restricted diet and eat the same things every day but im very fussy with texture and allways have been since i was younger and i tend to chnage my diet to more restrictive foods when i have a sore throat cause i will only eat soft foods cause its painful to swallow. i and then im born with a sleep disorder and so sore throats make my disorder worse even though its just a cold when i catch them they do last longer than normal and tend to worsen certain things I have like abouve but even though they do tend to take longer than usual to get better they do get better and although i find them hard to deal with cause there painful iv never had a sore throat as painful as this one only once i have. in my case i tend to get more head colds and sore throats rather than chest infections iv had them before but not often. 

    dont worry i know tonsolitis isnt infectious like i said its what causes the tonsolitis and not the tonsolitis so i know what may of caused it given i had a cold before the tonsolitis developed. 

    for me in my case I dont normaly get chest infections but my body loves sore throats and every now and then it   likes to give me an infection either before or after a cold every now and then its one of its favourate hobbys and usualy in a very un timely manner. 

    thanks for letting me know what you meant by the advocating yourself  thing. 

  • Advocating means speaking up for. An advocate is "a person who puts a case on someone else's behalf." But you have been able to put your own case forward to people. Even though it must be hard to do. You got seen by someone in the end.

    When I get a cold, about a quarter of the times I end up with a chest infection.

    Tinnitus isn't infectious (do you mean a ringing in your ears?)

    Your tonsilitis won't be infectious.

    Your cold would be infectious, but it is long gone. You may even have caught it off your mum or dad all those weeks ago.

    So you should be OK to see them.

    So many people on this site have anxiety about the same sort of situations that you describe. I do too.