MY Weekend Start A discussion on Fairness and Justice

Dear Community.

I just want to know if the world is mad or am I right in thinking that my treatment has been outrageous.I am going to list my concerns.

1- I was issued a CPW by my lovely council in March for so called anti social behaviour.I have never been showed any evidence .I have given counter evidence that in fact I have been the victim of the mob ganging up on me.I am kind and gentle.What seems to have lead to my CPW is I have asked on more than one occasion for co residents to not-

Leave outside lights on out of context and into the small hours.

Not block our entrance, not put materials against our wall.

Not do work that impacts on us on their property without talking to us.No to have workman swearing and talking about how they cannot get away with their poor work and working in the dark!

2- I have challenged said CPW and have hit a brick wall they say they have enough evidence but they won't share it with me.Also the vague terms shall not make e direct or indirect contact with residents and not threaten or harass I have never threatened.Basically this CPW in my view could never be removed as above the residents will just say i have broken it.It has no way of being measured the compliance it is coercive control.

3- CPW,s and CPNS are disproportionately given to the mentally ill

4- I have also had the Police get involved and now face the prospect ion a trial.

5- Some ridiculous things i have been accused of is pretending to look for my cats so I can come into contact with said accusers.Singing to and kissing my cat and saying i love him to intimidate.My stimming has been accused as being aggresive.When i have held my arm top passively to cross the road if it has been one of my accusers they said I was trying to flag them down

6- Some of in my view Police mistreatment keeping me for 90 minutes in a pre holding area with the arresting officers and refusing me the toilet and the water because I was allowed to go once and it would make me need to go again.

7- Arresting me and holding me for 6 hours and when they could not get me an Appropriate Adult they did release me to return.i also on that detention did not get to speak to a solicitor nor a mental health worker despite a promise

There is loads more I can say but I am not a happy bunny. Autistic people looking at forms do not get fair treatment .

So honest opinion  what do you all think and has anyone had any similar experiences 

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