Is it okay to feel this way?

I see being neurodivergent as being genuinely disabling. I want a cure, I want to be normal. Is it okay to feel this way?

  • Hi Jess, I wanted to be "normal" years before I knew I was on the spectrum. Sometimes I still wish it. But if wishes were horses, my flat would be full of Shetland ponies. But the cuteness of the ponies would also come with major problems, like no space to move - and the smell!

    So what I'm trying to explain is that although not being autistic can look "easier" sometimes, it's not all a bed of roses - everyone has problems. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

    Be yourself. Don't please others, please yourself. Do what makes you happy and avoid what doesn't, as much as possible. That's all we can do.

  • Hi Jess, I wanted to be "normal" years before I knew I was on the spectrum. Sometimes I still wish it. But if wishes were horses, my flat would be full of Shetland ponies. But the cuteness of the ponies would also come with major problems, like no space to move - and the smell!

    So what I'm trying to explain is that although not being autistic can look "easier" sometimes, it's not all a bed of roses - everyone has problems. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

    Be yourself. Don't please others, please yourself. Do what makes you happy and avoid what doesn't, as much as possible. That's all we can do.

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