Is it okay to feel this way?

I see being neurodivergent as being genuinely disabling. I want a cure, I want to be normal. Is it okay to feel this way?

  • I don't necessarily see my autism as being disabling. Instead, its a bunch of other conditions that really challenge me - all of which came to light after having my first covid-19 vaccine.

    • Extreme Mental Fatigue
    • FND
    • Tinnitus
    • Monocular Diplopia (double vision affecting each eye individually)

    I was later life diagnosed ASD last year (I'm in my 50's) and I believe that it was the fatigue that massively impacted my ability to cope & mask. Looking back on my life, I can absolutely see autism throughout my life, but obviously wasn't aware of it being autism previously. I am NOT saying that the vaccine caused my autism.

    I really would like a cure - not for my ASD, but for the symptoms caused by the vaccine.
    Unfortunately there is little chance of that, especially as the medical professionals and pharmacy companies ignore us (the vaccine injured).

    Don't get me wrong - I am NOT anti-vax, quite the opposite!
    BUT, what does get me is the complete lack of interest or support for people like me who were doing what they were told was the right thing to do and that it was complete safe.

  • I don't necessarily see my autism as being disabling. Instead, its a bunch of other conditions that really challenge me - all of which came to light after having my first covid-19 vaccine.

    • Extreme Mental Fatigue
    • FND
    • Tinnitus
    • Monocular Diplopia (double vision affecting each eye individually)

    I was later life diagnosed ASD last year (I'm in my 50's) and I believe that it was the fatigue that massively impacted my ability to cope & mask. Looking back on my life, I can absolutely see autism throughout my life, but obviously wasn't aware of it being autism previously. I am NOT saying that the vaccine caused my autism.

    I really would like a cure - not for my ASD, but for the symptoms caused by the vaccine.
    Unfortunately there is little chance of that, especially as the medical professionals and pharmacy companies ignore us (the vaccine injured).

    Don't get me wrong - I am NOT anti-vax, quite the opposite!
    BUT, what does get me is the complete lack of interest or support for people like me who were doing what they were told was the right thing to do and that it was complete safe.

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