Is it okay to feel this way?

I see being neurodivergent as being genuinely disabling. I want a cure, I want to be normal. Is it okay to feel this way?

  • Your first sentence is only partially accurate. I've found in a differnt set of circumstances I can be ADVANTAGED by my Autism.

    A simple example being the increased sound sensitivity caused me to hear faulty wirnig arcing very quietly in a house that my daughter was viewing... 

    You second sentence is full of DESIRE which Bhudda (apparently) said is the cause of all human unhappness. In this case you desire a chaneg to you own basic nature akin to desiring to change your skin colour.

    Now there is a man who famously did exactly that, (Michael Jackson) but I'm not sure it made him happy... 

    Be careful what you wish for, is a piece of old wisdom that has served me well, when I've managed to remember it.

  • Your first sentence is only partially accurate. I've found in a differnt set of circumstances I can be ADVANTAGED by my Autism.

    A simple example being the increased sound sensitivity caused me to hear faulty wirnig arcing very quietly in a house that my daughter was viewing... 

    You second sentence is full of DESIRE which Bhudda (apparently) said is the cause of all human unhappness. In this case you desire a chaneg to you own basic nature akin to desiring to change your skin colour.

    Now there is a man who famously did exactly that, (Michael Jackson) but I'm not sure it made him happy... 

    Be careful what you wish for, is a piece of old wisdom that has served me well, when I've managed to remember it.

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