Autism is a 'trend'...?!

I have never been cool, and I never will be. So, to hear people claim that being autistic is a ‘trend’ is as laughable as it is offensive. I never wanted a label to be special. The autism label has opened a door to understanding how my brain works and who I am. I have no desire to be cool, and plenty of desire for knowledge and acceptance. 

Autistic Not Alien:  'It's cool to be autistic...' WHAT?![edited by moderator]

  • I mean, absolutely. Total trend... got diagnosed in my 40s, but just jumping on a bandwagon... FFS... Always knew I was different, just didn't know how. All makes sense now, I'm obviously faking because neurotypical experts (Aka randoms) know better than medical professionals 

  • I mean, absolutely. Total trend... got diagnosed in my 40s, but just jumping on a bandwagon... FFS... Always knew I was different, just didn't know how. All makes sense now, I'm obviously faking because neurotypical experts (Aka randoms) know better than medical professionals 

  • Always knew I was different, just didn't know how.

    Same here, but didn't start looking into it much until my early/mid 40s. First set of results I got were to do with NVLD. That then lead to links about autism.   NVLD seemed to fit better, but it's hardly recognised as a disability in the UK. It is possible to have both ASD and NVLD. It took nearly 2 decades from starting to look into things to getting the ASD(Asperger's) dx . Ironically it was my autistic uneasiness re change that played a part in that delay. I didn't get the dx till moving to be near my daughter, and seeing a new pdoc. My daughter had been trying to persuade me to move near her since her mother died.  I had, out of fear of moving, brushed aside the efforts to get me to do so.

    It took a greater worry, plans to demolish the tower block I was living in, for me to finally agree to moving.