Autism is a 'trend'...?!

I have never been cool, and I never will be. So, to hear people claim that being autistic is a ‘trend’ is as laughable as it is offensive. I never wanted a label to be special. The autism label has opened a door to understanding how my brain works and who I am. I have no desire to be cool, and plenty of desire for knowledge and acceptance. 

Autistic Not Alien:  'It's cool to be autistic...' WHAT?![edited by moderator]

  • I think it's sad that so many of us feel we need to get the diagnosis. If we lived in a non-judgemental world we wouldn't have to - everyone would just accept differences. Steps out of fantasy-land back to real life...

    When someone mentioned that I sounded like her autistic partner, that was the first time I'd considered it. The more I learned about it, the more it resonated. When I reflected back on my work life so far, I realised I had been bullied out of every job due to some aspect of my autistic differences. So I've sought diagnosis to try and protect myself from what seems 'the inevitable'.

    But we have always had autists. This book has done some exploration of this:

    The Autists: women on the spectrum Paperback –
    by Clara Törnvall (Author), Alice E. Olsson (Translator)

  • I think it's sad that so many of us feel we need to get the diagnosis. If we lived in a non-judgemental world we wouldn't have to - everyone would just accept differences. Steps out of fantasy-land back to real life...

    When someone mentioned that I sounded like her autistic partner, that was the first time I'd considered it. The more I learned about it, the more it resonated. When I reflected back on my work life so far, I realised I had been bullied out of every job due to some aspect of my autistic differences. So I've sought diagnosis to try and protect myself from what seems 'the inevitable'.

    But we have always had autists. This book has done some exploration of this:

    The Autists: women on the spectrum Paperback –
    by Clara Törnvall (Author), Alice E. Olsson (Translator)

  • I think it's sad that so many of us feel we need to get the diagnosis. If we lived in a non-judgemental world we wouldn't have to - everyone would just accept differences

    I absolutely agree!

  • It’s also the reason why post diagnostic assessments are so vital - it’s also another reason why the NAS and others need to actively and robustly challenge myths and misconceptions about autism in the public sphere, using force of law if needs be 

  • Do you wonder if the word "trend" has become confused? I mean something "trends" on the internet, meaning that its something thats being talked about a lot. Then people go and mistake it for being "trendy", meaning that it's fashionable. I mean if we suddenly became a major earthquake zone instead of a minor one and everyone started looking up earthquakes, it would "trend" online, but would that then mean earthquakes had become "trendy"? I don't think so somehow.