Has anyone had bipolar and Autism?


It's been a while since I have asked advice, 

My son now 7 and a half (so young) has been admitted to A&E 2times now, overnight. For really dangerous actions purposefully done. 

He's a very clever child. And understands what he is doing. 

In a bad time he regularly self harms using anything possible.  Including even taking crews from the door handles. 

Then he will be super happy and energetic literally bouncing off the walls. 

It's like raising 2 different children.  

He has a diagnosis of ASC. But his health worker has seen him low and also very high. 

She's trying to find out a way for help. 

Because he will get low again as this has always been the way he works high then swings back to low then high again. 

She commented my son looked and sounded different. And he does. 

Has anyone experience this? 

I'm assuming maybe bipolar as the extreme high and lows. 

But maybe it's something else, so I'm looking for advice. 

I wake every day in a worry as to how he's going to be. 

Academically he's doing very well. But this hasn't stopped him getting scissors and self harming at school ect. 

When in A&E cahms keeps saying he's been put forward for an initial referal but they say CAMHS don't deal with ASC. This is a 3 year wait. 

Has anyone managed to help themselves or their child? 

I'm at a loss. We are on a high now. After out last visit to A&E 3 weeks ago for trying to strangle himself with his door curtains. Before this he was trying to electrocute himself. 

I have to keep him safe. I'm just at a loss as it's all so impulsive. 

Thank you for your time to read. Any advice would be gratefully received Pray

  • Hi. I have bipolar and autism. But I did not have problems until my 30s and as you probably know it is much, much rarer in children.

    Has you son also been diagnosed with ADHD?

    That is shocking about CAMHS not accepting referrals as I thought this was a thing that was no longer a problem. I am so sorry to hear about the wait. I hope that you would hear about the referral soon due to the seriousness of your son's self harming.

  • Hi. I have bipolar and autism. But I did not have problems until my 30s and as you probably know it is much, much rarer in children.

    Has you son also been diagnosed with ADHD?

    That is shocking about CAMHS not accepting referrals as I thought this was a thing that was no longer a problem. I am so sorry to hear about the wait. I hope that you would hear about the referral soon due to the seriousness of your son's self harming.

  • Hello Mrs.snooks 

    Thank you for replying 

    There is no diagnosis of ADHD. He doesn't really display this until he's really in a good frame of mind,.if that makes sense. He will bounce off the walls when he's happy? And just be go,go,go.

     But when he's not he's very quiet and just low. Doesn't speak, looks different in his face.

    This is more frequent to be unhappy. 

    He self harms an awful lot. Even so young. 

    Sorry we have been accepted by CAMHS but the wait is 3 years which is very hard when each time my son get unhappy or low its much worse. 

    It's just vulnerable for him. 

    • I really want to figure out how to help or the right route. Thank you