Relationship during an autistic burnout

Hi everyone,

I could really use your insights… my girlfriend has been diagnosed with autism about a year ago (I myself am neurotypical as far as I know), we have also been dating for roughly the same amount of time. Until about three weeks ago things have been going great, but then our interactions suddenly changed and she became very distant and cold with me. I suspect she is going through an autistic burnout.

I try to give her the space she needs, not expecting any connection and even during texting (we don’t live in the same city) trying to avoid asking questions that would give her the feeling like she needs to deliver an answer. But I myself am now so full of questions, emotions, doubts and worries which I can’t express to her during this time…

Most importantly, what can I do to support her? How does it feel like to go through an autistic burnout? Does it impact her feelings for me or how she views the relationship? I would love to hear some insights just to understand what she is going through. At the same time since it all started right after we had a small argument, I am worried that I caused this burnout to happen.

She is incredibly important to me and it hurts that we are not part of each other’s lives right now. How did your relationship survive an autistic burnout? And how long did it last?

Thank you so much to anyone for sharing their insights.


  • Hi Hendrik and welcome to the community!

    The support articles here are a great place to start. In your capacity as your girlfriend's NT partner, it may be helpful to read all three of the guide versions (each is designed for a different audience, but with a lot of crossover in terms of content):

    Autistic fatigue and burnout

  • Hi Hendrik and welcome to the community!

    The support articles here are a great place to start. In your capacity as your girlfriend's NT partner, it may be helpful to read all three of the guide versions (each is designed for a different audience, but with a lot of crossover in terms of content):

    Autistic fatigue and burnout

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