What A Day My Friends

So today I had to deal with an issue where a police officer was downgrading issues and refusing to investigate concerns.

For now I will not go into the ins and outs at Some point I will have a story to tell and a message to help others but here is the madness.

Went to a Police station explained my concerns.The civilian officer kept me there for 40 minutes or so just telling me what he could and wouldn't,t do.I was masking as when I put my suit on I am my confident smart man that can do things.This is after a pep talk and a lot of prep.

This civilian officer unfortunately got me so flustered that for a moment I became unfiltered and just used the term tweedle dum tweedle dee about who he was suggesting would help me.

In the end I left as he was threatening to get the officer I had issues with to contact me.

Next door luckily is the higher offices after being in a shutdown/meltdown begging for help a wonderful person attended and my issues are now logged and re allocated to a neutral officer.

Questions for the community-

Why do we have to beg for reasonable adjustments and rights people that should understand Autism have not got a clue in my opinion.

Second my skill which means I do not get taken seriously is when I mask I have confidence I am articulate intelligent and know my rights.Immediately this makes certain public bodies think that I am all right and can take all the stress in the world why?

In conclusion I am absolutely rubbish at dealing with life I am scruffy am childlike and cannot deal with the world can we get to the day where we have rights and do not have to battle .

Good night and look forward to your replies

  • I agree Iain it was like yesterday i went from normal what is normal anyway to unmasked unfiltered because this so called police officer was being unhelpful.He then started saying I was rude and I explained he had sent me into unmasked for a moment and I could not control what I said.I get fed up with having to battle and give people deeply personal information.

  • Why do we have to beg for reasonable adjustments and rights people that should understand Autism have not got a clue in my opinion.

    There is no easy answer to this problem I'm afraid.

    In part it is because autists are a tiny percentage of the population (1/50th) and not all of us have the same issues, so when people do get trained on how to deal with autists they see some that behave normally and others that behave normally some of the time and are completely different the rest - they get confused and start to think we are making it up or are actually crazy.

    I cannot think of an easy way to sort it other than for the likes of NAS to include this sort of explanation in their guide for law enforcement that our behaviour may be unpredictable, but that then would make us seem somehow dangerous.

    Any other ideas out there on how we can get this across?