Dealing with the locall council...

I just want to hear from ayone who has experieced council property issues, and have engaged in their complaints process. To date, I've found it to be extremely stressful, attempting to engage with what I can only describe as complete unprofessionalism on their part. One of the issues is noise pollution, that affects my hearing condition: Hyperacusis, however, I havn't disclosed ASD, and wondered if I should, or would it make any difference... - I'll leave at at that for now. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  • Long before my diagnosis I’d had problems with noise pollution involving other neighbours and their dogs and children behaving anti-socially where the local council and police are Labour controlled - because I was the only one making the complaint, I was seen as the troublemaker when I reported the issue to the council and I was threatened with arrest and breach of tenancy by the police if I did not withdraw the complaint and basically be quiet and pipe down - you will never get anywhere with any council when it comes to ASB & noise pollution issues, as they will always seek to prosecute the person making the complaint or raising the issue, whom they will always regard as a troublemaker 

  • Long before my diagnosis I’d had problems with noise pollution involving other neighbours and their dogs and children behaving anti-socially where the local council and police are Labour controlled - because I was the only one making the complaint, I was seen as the troublemaker when I reported the issue to the council and I was threatened with arrest and breach of tenancy by the police if I did not withdraw the complaint and basically be quiet and pipe down - you will never get anywhere with any council when it comes to ASB & noise pollution issues, as they will always seek to prosecute the person making the complaint or raising the issue, whom they will always regard as a troublemaker 

  • I was the noisy and antisocial neighbour, while I was younger. Now, I'm grateful to have returned home. My neighbours are good to me, and everyone gets on well.

    My neighbour, who lives opposite me, said that he could lift me; if I need one. The taxi driver I got is beginning to become dear. Plus, he was delayed as he had paperwork to do, after lifting an elderly disabled man; beforehand.