New forum fault + old clothes

I've noticed that if I log out of the forum and log back in (not something I always do) then the landing page is an open thread from years ago.

Hence, I believe, this is why some members are answering very old threads - because it's there in front of them and they don't notice that the thread is donkeys' years old.

How old (long) is a donkey's year? Racehorse

Parents Reply
  • Six Million Dollar Man in a very futuristic font Joy. It was my obsession as a small child in the mid to late 70s. If you don't know it was a show about an astronaut who crashes a test plane and has his right eye, right arm and both legs replaced with bionic parts. Then every week he went on missions. When I watched it again more recently, I was touched by what a gentle character he was. Not matcho. Not smooching ladies every week. His heart belonged to... The Bionic Woman! Who I was in love with too!
