Psychiatrist referral?

Following a recent ASD 1 diagnosis by a Psychologist who specialises in Autism I've been referred to a Psychiatrist by my GP in relation to other complex health issues.  
Can anyone offer advice on how I should approach the appointment? I'm actually wondering whether it may be advisable to not mention my ASD diagnosis and see if they come to a similar conclusion however I'm apprehensive that they may contest my ASD diagnosis and concentrate unduly on mental health issues. 

  • I’d suggest approaching your appointment openly and honestly, including disclosing your autism diagnosis (if they’re not already aware of it, which I would think is very unlikely).

    Withholding information would be counterproductive, in my opinion, including by hindering their ability to focus on your other issues in the context of your known, comorbid autism.

    I also can’t see any reason why they would actively seek to contest your existing diagnosis.

    However, the most important person to seek advice from on this matter is your GP.

    (Please note also that, in accordance with the community rules, we’re not allowed to offer medical advice, which you should instead always seek from a professional).

  • Thanks for your reply Bunny.
    To clarify further I have no intention of witholding my ASD diagnosis permanently It was just until the Psychiatrist provided their professional assessment without being influenced by anyone else's input.
    A big reason for me posting the question was the cynical/skeptical attitude of my GP when confirming my recent ASD diagnosis.

  • Thanks for your reply Bunny.
    To clarify further I have no intention of witholding my ASD diagnosis permanently It was just until the Psychiatrist provided their professional assessment without being influenced by anyone else's input.
    A big reason for me posting the question was the cynical/skeptical attitude of my GP when confirming my recent ASD diagnosis.

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