
Hi there, 

I have always known that I have high-functioning autism, but I’ve only just accepted it at the age of 27. This was forced following a bit of a meltdown and then entering burnout. 

I have only just discovered what burnout is in the last couple of weeks, but there is now no question in mind as to what it is I’m going through. Does anyone have any advice as to how to cope during this?

I find that I am getting a migraine every day that I try to continue normally, and only feel okay by the end of the day if I have done nothing. But doing nothing isn’t sustainable as I have to keep working and I need to cook and clean etc. I don’t want to take time off work as I will stress about it falling apart without me, but the migraines are making it very difficult to be productive anyway… 

Do I just have to ride this out? And if I do, when will it be over? Life is so much easier when I can mask.


  • Could an osteopath help with migraines? I had really awful ones and an osteopath sorted them out because they were caued by problems with my neck.

    Another common cause of migraines is having your bite out of alignment, a dentist can sort this.

  • Could an osteopath help with migraines? I had really awful ones and an osteopath sorted them out because they were caued by problems with my neck.

    Another common cause of migraines is having your bite out of alignment, a dentist can sort this.

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