What is Your favourite song of all time and why ?

As ASD affects each individual in different ways, i thought it would be interesting asking what Your favorite song of all time is and why ? 
What doe's it mean to You and how do You relate to it ?
I personally like everything from Elvis to Def Leppard but i relate to the song by Motley Crue  called  "driftaway ".
How about You ?

  • I'm not sure that I really have a single favourite song.

    Perhaps a track from Jam by Little Angels? I recognised your profile pic as soon as I saw it  :)

  • My favourite song changes all the time. At the moment, it's probably 'The Code' by Nemo, this year's winning entry for Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest (Eurovision is one of my special interests, after all). I got to see them perform in Malmö this year as part of one of the Eurovision shows, and they were absolutely stunning. I got winner vibes when I first heard the song, but to see it performed live on stage was truly incredible.

    In terms of relatable songs, it'd probably have to be 'Waving Through A Window' from the musical Dear Evan Hansen. I just find the song so painfully relatable on a whole number of levels (the same applies for the show as a whole, to be honest).

  • I don't really have a favourite song of all time, but I am quite fond of U2's 'Pride (In the Name of Love)'. It takes me back to watching them perform at the Live Aid concert in 1985, which is when I discovered them (and their music) and thought they were rather good.