Neighbours The Long Running English Version

So anther weekend and more shenanigans.The so called Co Residents of my road who claim their life is so effected by me carry on as normal.The latest annoyance two days of scaffolding going up not a word to us to say this was happening and apologies for inconvenience.Then they have visitors still and create massive nuance parking as their driveway is out of bounds.

Finally the visitors have to have a yapping dog that frightens my cats.

Any thoughts how to deal with all this white noise

  • Wow, that sounds like a bit of an issue.  It doesn't sound like you're having much fun with it.  What has gone on so far about you speaking to the neighbours and explaining some of your concerns?

    There's a lot going on in your message which might be useful to have some more information on:

    - you say your neighbours claim you have an effect on their lives.  I take it you mean in a negative way, what's the history between you?

    - generally I don't think people say when scaffolding is going up on their own land as long as it's not encroaching on others land, but if you don't have a good communication relationship, I would expect that difficulty may of contributed towards them not being courteous.

    I think if you were interested in "burying the hatchet" and trying to have a good relationship with them, I could suggest some ways in which you could try and move on in a better way.  What do you think?

  • Hi there,

    Yes it is negative they say the effect I am having on them.Unfortunately they have forced matters negatively on me.They have managed to get me be given a CPW by the council this is known as a community protection warning.Plus i have a police case against me.It has been the mob against me in my road.I am not violent or aggressive they are claiming harassment re me making some requests against their behaviour it is a frigging mare!

  • That doesn't sound good at all, it must be horrible Disappointed.  When your own home begins to feel like a battle ground that you can't rely on for comfort and peace it's rubbish.

    It still sounds like  being able to put it all away and to start again new would be a positive thing.

    Regardless of you not feeling to blame, I would perhaps consider taking around a peace offering gift, just so you can park these negative thoughts.

  • Thanks so much this forum plus my brilliant sister and medical team keep me going I will win and then tell my tale.It is a fight for our community the way I am being treated 

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