I have my dog back and my own house living the high life

Hi here’s another positive post. I am back living in my parents old house no morgage to pay or anything. Yesterday my dad came for a visit and gave me my dog back and she’s living with me. It’s so nice to have the company even if it’s just a pet. Tomorrow me and my friend Rikki are going to take her out for a nice walk it is also my mums 70th and if my mum was still alive me and her would be having a pamper day and in the evening we be going out for a birthday meal with my dad and the rest of my mums family. Then she want to go clubbing my mum was always young at heart. So I’m going to put flowers down where we scattered her ashes and Lucy my dog will be with me as well my mum loved that dog and she now living a nice life with me as her owner now. I never thought being on the spectrum I would live a life like this but I have achieved a lot in my life and I’m proud of it. 

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