What's your Myers-Briggs type?

I've done it several times over the years, and I always come out as INTJ

I'm predicting most of here will be either INTJ or INFJ. 

  • INFJ. I did this test in high school a long time ago, before it became as popular as things like astrology to the general population, and it was hard to find info on it. I just remembered that I found the letters confusing and overly complicated, and I thought only trained therapists or psychologists could decipher this code, but not a simple highschooler like me who didn't know squat about life yet.  

  • INFJ. I did this test in high school a long time ago, before it became as popular as things like astrology to the general population, and it was hard to find info on it. I just remembered that I found the letters confusing and overly complicated, and I thought only trained therapists or psychologists could decipher this code, but not a simple highschooler like me who didn't know squat about life yet.  

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