(Mental) health professionals don't really understand the intelligence of autistic persons

That's been my experience in nearly 50 years as a late diagnosed autistic person with serious mental illness . There's an expectancy/demand even of near uniformity of intellectual performance, among the various areas of cognition, that many autistic  people can't satisfy.  For me that resulted in many years of being treated as though I was an awkward so and so, with a major character defect. It's also meant never getting help and support for  the impaired executive  functioning  I've always struggled  with.

  • In any profession there will be those that 'phone it in' and those that keep learning and have a great deal of curiosity for their field. some focus on autism. they are often on the spectrum themselves.  Seek. The world carries all possibilities as potentialities. They are out there. 

    It's no different than finding an actually good dentist.

    I'm beginning to see different practitioners express themselves as specializing in autism.  The way to know if it's simply a word that 'sells' for them is to evaluate how many other "specializations" they list. The more, the more diluted the focus.

    I myself, needed more than anything to understand my relation to my body and how to "read" it. I went with 2 therapists who worked with the body to reach well being and wholeness. They were amazing. and they introduced me to "orgone" energy, which is a special interst of mine.

  • In any profession there will be those that 'phone it in' and those that keep learning and have a great deal of curiosity for their field. some focus on autism. they are often on the spectrum themselves.  Seek. The world carries all possibilities as potentialities. They are out there. 

    It's no different than finding an actually good dentist.

    I'm beginning to see different practitioners express themselves as specializing in autism.  The way to know if it's simply a word that 'sells' for them is to evaluate how many other "specializations" they list. The more, the more diluted the focus.

    I myself, needed more than anything to understand my relation to my body and how to "read" it. I went with 2 therapists who worked with the body to reach well being and wholeness. They were amazing. and they introduced me to "orgone" energy, which is a special interst of mine.

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