Housing advice

Hi, I’m looking for some advice. New here so not sure if posting this in the right place. I was recently diagnosed with autism in 2023. I’m a 26 years old female and have had struggled all my life with lots of things related to my autism. I had been misdiagnosed for years so getting the diagnosis was a huge relief for me. I’m high functioning so manage pretty well with most things. Sensory issues have always been a problem for me, noise being the main one. I currently live alone in a tenement flat on a Main Street. I do well living alone and manage fine but I have had issues regarding noise since I moved in. There are multiple pubs nearby with loud music playing until they close late at night, lots of drunk people making noise and my walls are also very thin that I can hear my neighbour snoring through the wall in my bedroom. I hear the people above me moving around as their floor is very creaky and due to having a close with stairs and being on the first floor, people are constantly walking by and making noise there which echos a lot. My bedroom window looks onto behind the flats/shops and is the only door access to the block of flats next to me meaning if I’m in my bedroom I constantly hear people talking loud, smoking cigarettes/weed which travels through my window. The smells and noise are getting overwhelming at this point. I have no choice but to have my window open in the hot weather but even when closed I can still hear the pubs and music very loudly. I have to sleep with ear plugs in which block out most but not all of the noise. Ideally, I want to move to anywhere quieter which most places would be compared to being in a Main Street where I am now. I’m looking to see if anyone has any advice or information on how easy it is or what to put on a housing application about this to give me a better chance of getting a new flat. I was housed by the council and I’m going to fill out a new housing application but I know it’s very difficult to be housed. I was lucky as I was only on the register 2 years before being offered my current flat as it’s a 1 bedroom and there’s not many about. Is there any extra help for housing when autistic and how to word my application to give me a better chance at getting more points. I’m unlikely to get many points as there’s no huge problem with my current living situation other than the issues I’ve said. I wasn’t diagnosed at the time of my first application so I’m wondering if this could make a difference this time. Has anyone been in a similar situation and can help? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

  • Go to the housing office and ask to see one of the staff in private. Rub their leg and seduce them. Say that you can come to some kind of arrangement if they give you a better place to live. Or you could just move back in with your parents. Honestly, the system is corrupt and you've got to be cunning to succeed.

  • Go to the housing office and ask to see one of the staff in private. Rub their leg and seduce them. Say that you can come to some kind of arrangement if they give you a better place to live. Or you could just move back in with your parents. Honestly, the system is corrupt and you've got to be cunning to succeed.

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