Alcohol usage

I came across an article a few years back that says people on the autistic spectrum are four times more likely to become alcohol dependent or a full blown alcoholic. I personally have always loved drinking alcohol but recently I fear I have become dependent or worse. Recent events have caused me to be warned by the police about my behaviour. Other things have contribruted to this rise in alcohol usage. Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life? What are your thoughts and opinions?

  • yeah i can relate to you.  I joined AA when i was only 21, my life and head was in a mess lol.  i started drinking at 17 and found it enabled me to mix with people so i used it as a crutch.   I never really settled in AA my longest period of sobriety was about 5 years.  I left AA when i was about 36 years old.  15 years of it was enough for me lol,  (I didn't like it that much, even there i didn't feel like i fitted in).   The thing was for me is that I watched people go into AA with nothing,  Life in tatters and after a year or two, they would pull their life together , new job, wife ,car , house everything.  Me on the other hand after years of sobriety was still socially awkward , depressed , anxious ect ect. I left AA and starting trying to control it.  I don't class myself as an alcoholic although i do sometimes over do it.  For me AA didn't make me happy, It does work for some people .   I prefer my life now i can drink to be honest.  I can mix with people in my local music scene which im part of.  I'm not going to give you advice on what you should or shouldn't do in regard to alcohol,  you know yourself better than anyone else.  Alcohol usage is something i have to keep a close eye on. I use it to mix with people but sometimes i over do it.  I use little tricks like having a big meal before i go out.  If i'm very stressed beforehand i don't drink at all because i'm certain to drink too much.  If Im suffering with depression i don't drink either.  I also make sure i do at least 3 days a week without drinking.   Thats me and alcohol :-) 

  • yeah i can relate to you.  I joined AA when i was only 21, my life and head was in a mess lol.  i started drinking at 17 and found it enabled me to mix with people so i used it as a crutch.   I never really settled in AA my longest period of sobriety was about 5 years.  I left AA when i was about 36 years old.  15 years of it was enough for me lol,  (I didn't like it that much, even there i didn't feel like i fitted in).   The thing was for me is that I watched people go into AA with nothing,  Life in tatters and after a year or two, they would pull their life together , new job, wife ,car , house everything.  Me on the other hand after years of sobriety was still socially awkward , depressed , anxious ect ect. I left AA and starting trying to control it.  I don't class myself as an alcoholic although i do sometimes over do it.  For me AA didn't make me happy, It does work for some people .   I prefer my life now i can drink to be honest.  I can mix with people in my local music scene which im part of.  I'm not going to give you advice on what you should or shouldn't do in regard to alcohol,  you know yourself better than anyone else.  Alcohol usage is something i have to keep a close eye on. I use it to mix with people but sometimes i over do it.  I use little tricks like having a big meal before i go out.  If i'm very stressed beforehand i don't drink at all because i'm certain to drink too much.  If Im suffering with depression i don't drink either.  I also make sure i do at least 3 days a week without drinking.   Thats me and alcohol :-) 

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