Alcohol usage

I came across an article a few years back that says people on the autistic spectrum are four times more likely to become alcohol dependent or a full blown alcoholic. I personally have always loved drinking alcohol but recently I fear I have become dependent or worse. Recent events have caused me to be warned by the police about my behaviour. Other things have contribruted to this rise in alcohol usage. Does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone use it to escape their own mind? Cope with people and life? What are your thoughts and opinions?

  • Yes i have had a drink problem for all my adult life. Having been diagnosed ASD late in life i can see is was my way of coping with social situations. Being drunk was my only way of being able to go out to pubs & clubs. I was arrested at 17 for criminal damage whilst drunk & was on a rocky road. I nearly lost my apprenticeship over it. I drank heavily into my 40's to cope with life. I have stopped now & can honestly say it's been life changing. 

  • Yes i have had a drink problem for all my adult life. Having been diagnosed ASD late in life i can see is was my way of coping with social situations. Being drunk was my only way of being able to go out to pubs & clubs. I was arrested at 17 for criminal damage whilst drunk & was on a rocky road. I nearly lost my apprenticeship over it. I drank heavily into my 40's to cope with life. I have stopped now & can honestly say it's been life changing. 

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