BBC reporting of autism (was “Southport”)

I’m coming of my self imposed retirement just to post this because it makes me so angry. The BBC keep associating autism with violent criminals when it’s about as relevant as his skin colour or gender.

How do we get the NAS to campaign to stop this dreadful reporting?

  • I was deeply uneasy about this too, so many people don't understand ASD anyway, I don't think his ASD diagnosis had anything to do with his murderous rampage, if's more likely to be some other mental health problem. I agree with you about NAS though, will we be seeing representatives on programs like Newsnight telling people the reality of Autism? What actually does NAS do?

    I'm not sure about gender to be honest, I was watching Newsnight last night and they had a chap from Hope not Hate, talking about the motivation of far right protesters, he said the thing nobody wants to talk about is these things are largely men doing the rioting, before he was shut down by the presenter. In nearly all these events the pertetrators are men, we might see women egging the men on, but we don't tend to see women in the thick of riots nor do they seem to be prone to violent attacks on others. I'm trying to think of all the massacres that have occured both here and in the USA and I can't think of any with female perpetrators.

    I also want to say how awful and distressing I found what happened in Stockport, words can't describe the horror of it, and to add to it all a bunch of outsiders come along and turn hurt to hate. The whole thing is awful beyond imagining.

  • I was deeply uneasy about this too, so many people don't understand ASD anyway, I don't think his ASD diagnosis had anything to do with his murderous rampage, if's more likely to be some other mental health problem. I agree with you about NAS though, will we be seeing representatives on programs like Newsnight telling people the reality of Autism? What actually does NAS do?

    I'm not sure about gender to be honest, I was watching Newsnight last night and they had a chap from Hope not Hate, talking about the motivation of far right protesters, he said the thing nobody wants to talk about is these things are largely men doing the rioting, before he was shut down by the presenter. In nearly all these events the pertetrators are men, we might see women egging the men on, but we don't tend to see women in the thick of riots nor do they seem to be prone to violent attacks on others. I'm trying to think of all the massacres that have occured both here and in the USA and I can't think of any with female perpetrators.

    I also want to say how awful and distressing I found what happened in Stockport, words can't describe the horror of it, and to add to it all a bunch of outsiders come along and turn hurt to hate. The whole thing is awful beyond imagining.

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