How do you deal with street fundraisers?

  • Hi all. Wave

What do you do when you come across a street fundraiser or 'chugger' as they are commonly known.

Usually I walk around them making no eye contact, hoping they won't notice me. Should they notice me, I might say "no thank you". But I am getting so tired of them that most of the time I just completely ignore them nowadays. I know this may sound rude but I don't want to keep being accosted and pressurised in the street. Not to mention that I don't like being approached by random strangers anyway.

I am all for donating to charities, but I like to do so in my own ways and in my own time.

  • My response is similar to your own . If I see them approaching me, I'll try to walk a safe distance away from them, or in some instances I might turn around and walk back in the direction I've just come from.

    Aside from the fact that I rarely carry loose change, I prefer to donate to charities on my own terms. Therefore, I don't feel in the least bit guilty or mean for ignoring 'chuggers'.

  • I prefer to donate to charities on my own terms.

    Same with me. I hate being pressurised.  Worst was a mental health charity I'd just donated a largish sum to,only for them to phone me a few days later  trying to persuade me to set up a regular donation.

  • If, as I did, you contact any charity that you have donated to, by email or writing, making it clear that any further contact by telephone will result in your not making any future donations whatsoever, it becomes very quiet.

  • If, as I did, you contact any charity that you have donated to, by email or writing, making it clear that any further contact by telephone will result in your not making any future donations whatsoever, it becomes very quiet.

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