How do you deal with street fundraisers?

  • Hi all. Wave

What do you do when you come across a street fundraiser or 'chugger' as they are commonly known.

Usually I walk around them making no eye contact, hoping they won't notice me. Should they notice me, I might say "no thank you". But I am getting so tired of them that most of the time I just completely ignore them nowadays. I know this may sound rude but I don't want to keep being accosted and pressurised in the street. Not to mention that I don't like being approached by random strangers anyway.

I am all for donating to charities, but I like to do so in my own ways and in my own time.

  • At one point I'd politely entertain them, I probably still would now, but the last one I encountered left me speechless. I've encountered him twice, last year around November time, he was blocking the entirety of the disabled access point to Herons (budget supermarket).  I assumed it was a one off, but no, last week I saw him. Presumably the people in the store know him. I bare him no ill will, but I'd be curious of both how Herons as a company would view this and how it'd be viewed in a legal sense (wish I got a photo, his table is far too big to move by one bloke, and far too wide for a wheelchair to maneuver around).

    He said hello last time and I just ignored him. Just seems a bit snide literally blocking an entrance like he does so you're forced to engage with him, saw something similar at an amateur (like ninth tier amateur) football game once, raffle seller blocking the turnstile.

    All you can do is feign ignorance really, just keep walking. They certainly gravitate towards women though!

  • At one point I'd politely entertain them, I probably still would now, but the last one I encountered left me speechless. I've encountered him twice, last year around November time, he was blocking the entirety of the disabled access point to Herons (budget supermarket).  I assumed it was a one off, but no, last week I saw him. Presumably the people in the store know him. I bare him no ill will, but I'd be curious of both how Herons as a company would view this and how it'd be viewed in a legal sense (wish I got a photo, his table is far too big to move by one bloke, and far too wide for a wheelchair to maneuver around).

    He said hello last time and I just ignored him. Just seems a bit snide literally blocking an entrance like he does so you're forced to engage with him, saw something similar at an amateur (like ninth tier amateur) football game once, raffle seller blocking the turnstile.

    All you can do is feign ignorance really, just keep walking. They certainly gravitate towards women though!

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