How do you deal with street fundraisers?

  • Hi all. Wave

What do you do when you come across a street fundraiser or 'chugger' as they are commonly known.

Usually I walk around them making no eye contact, hoping they won't notice me. Should they notice me, I might say "no thank you". But I am getting so tired of them that most of the time I just completely ignore them nowadays. I know this may sound rude but I don't want to keep being accosted and pressurised in the street. Not to mention that I don't like being approached by random strangers anyway.

I am all for donating to charities, but I like to do so in my own ways and in my own time.

  • As far as I know [I could be wrong] they're universally unpopular and avoidance is commonplace.

    Unaware of this, I used to stop and listen out of a wish to be 'polite'. And I have no issue with donating to charity. But also, they seem invariably to want a direct debit set up. 

    Which I don't want to do. So now I don't talk to them, probably best. 

  • As far as I know [I could be wrong] they're universally unpopular and avoidance is commonplace.

    Unaware of this, I used to stop and listen out of a wish to be 'polite'. And I have no issue with donating to charity. But also, they seem invariably to want a direct debit set up. 

    Which I don't want to do. So now I don't talk to them, probably best. 

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