How do you deal with street fundraisers?

  • Hi all. Wave

What do you do when you come across a street fundraiser or 'chugger' as they are commonly known.

Usually I walk around them making no eye contact, hoping they won't notice me. Should they notice me, I might say "no thank you". But I am getting so tired of them that most of the time I just completely ignore them nowadays. I know this may sound rude but I don't want to keep being accosted and pressurised in the street. Not to mention that I don't like being approached by random strangers anyway.

I am all for donating to charities, but I like to do so in my own ways and in my own time.

  • its funny these street scroungers seem to let others walk past them and ignore them but yet as soon as they see me they assume im the type that would fall for their begging and they charge over beeline right to me and come to me. so its hard to avoid them as i apparently have the appearance of someone whod they assume would give to them.

    its mixed, sometimes i can ignore them.... sometimes i feel rude, so i stop and let them talk and hear them out, then decline their service and leave.

    one i remember was scottish energy trying to convionce me to switch, claimed someone in my flats had switched, claimed to be cheaper... gave me a slightly cheaper rate than im on but i refused it and said id rather handle it myself and check myself.... they then admitted you cant get that rate without them as its a special street discount... so their real rate is infact higher than my rate im on and likely that discount ends after a time frame so your on a higher rate...  then i noticed after looking online that scottish energy has a lock in and if you wanna leave you have to pay them a few hundred quid to leave. so basically youd be locked in at a higher rate tricked by the lower rate by discount and have to pay to leave it when the discount ends in like 1 month and its real rate that is higher than your previous kick in.... see these street beggers are criminals really, never believe them, always do your own research, anything they offer is a lie and the reality is that their cheaper thing is a temporary hook to get you in then you cant get out without paying huge cost. lucky im not so stupid but alot of people would have fell for it.

  • its funny these street scroungers seem to let others walk past them and ignore them but yet as soon as they see me they assume im the type that would fall for their begging and they charge over beeline right to me and come to me. so its hard to avoid them as i apparently have the appearance of someone whod they assume would give to them.

    its mixed, sometimes i can ignore them.... sometimes i feel rude, so i stop and let them talk and hear them out, then decline their service and leave.

    one i remember was scottish energy trying to convionce me to switch, claimed someone in my flats had switched, claimed to be cheaper... gave me a slightly cheaper rate than im on but i refused it and said id rather handle it myself and check myself.... they then admitted you cant get that rate without them as its a special street discount... so their real rate is infact higher than my rate im on and likely that discount ends after a time frame so your on a higher rate...  then i noticed after looking online that scottish energy has a lock in and if you wanna leave you have to pay them a few hundred quid to leave. so basically youd be locked in at a higher rate tricked by the lower rate by discount and have to pay to leave it when the discount ends in like 1 month and its real rate that is higher than your previous kick in.... see these street beggers are criminals really, never believe them, always do your own research, anything they offer is a lie and the reality is that their cheaper thing is a temporary hook to get you in then you cant get out without paying huge cost. lucky im not so stupid but alot of people would have fell for it.

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