The problem with dating services for autistic people.

  • Autistic people struggle to form romantic / sexual relationships
  • Autistic men (diagnosed) outnumber autistic women by orders of magnitude
    • It is not practical to attempt to address relationship difficulties in autism by assisting (diagnosed) autistic people in forming connections with each other only.
      A variety of dating ‘clubs’ and even specialist apps have been created to assist autistic people in dating, but they all focus on hooking up autistic people with each other.

In order to hook up autistic people with non-autistic people a service has to either

  1. Be open to both autistic and non autistic people, or
  2. Have access to a pool of neurotypical ‘volunteers.’

In case 1 the question is

  • how can the service provide a dating advantage to autistic people while still attracting neurotypical people to use the service.

In case 2 the question is

  • how can the service attract neurotypical volunteer ‘dates’ in reasonably large numbers without attracting people who would abuse the volunteer role.
  • There's no way to change the root cause of this. The  raw fact is that autistics are highly undesirable in the NT world, the reasons why, the evolutionary biological underpinnings of our hierarchical society are not something that can be fixed or altered. A mass murderer who sits on death row cause he went on a killing spree, a total monster of a human being, with no remorse, can still more attractive, and has more attractive traits, and mannerisms, than 80% of autistics. It is what it is. Success in dating is largely dominance and confidence and self assuredness, social competence, all these things, autistics severely lack.

  • There's no way to change the root cause of this. The  raw fact is that autistics are highly undesirable in the NT world, the reasons why, the evolutionary biological underpinnings of our hierarchical society are not something that can be fixed or altered. A mass murderer who sits on death row cause he went on a killing spree, a total monster of a human being, with no remorse, can still more attractive, and has more attractive traits, and mannerisms, than 80% of autistics. It is what it is. Success in dating is largely dominance and confidence and self assuredness, social competence, all these things, autistics severely lack.

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