Feeling the burn at the moment

Who else is cooked by the summer heat?  It's my least favorite season, I prefer the coolness of autumn to solar radiation personally.

  • I do very badly in the heat. I already live further north and higher up, so when it's 32°C London it's more like 24°C here, but that's still too much for me. It's the humidity that's worse. I hate being hot and sticky.

    The plants in my garden seem to be having a good time. I'm looking forward to winter...

  • I know, it's a lovely shade of fish belly blueish white, that gradually turns to a sort of pearl colour.

    When I was visiting my sone and DiL some of their friends were round, all of us of different racial backgrounds, we were comparing skin tones and they couldn't believe how white my shoulders were, they're never exposed to the sun and how blue. But it was interesting to see the different base tones of human skin. My DiLs family ran screaming from my son when they saw him in swimming trunks, they said he blinded them from the sun reflecting off him.

  • the rest of me is really white, what the Scots call peely wally

    There is a little known fact that the Scots start with pale blue skin and after careful and extensive tanning can move to be a lovely shade of white.

  • Completely agree. It’s my least favourite season too. 

  • Outside of the office, the rest of my workplace has no air-con and it doesn't take long to get hot.

    The gym or the frozen sections of supermarkets are the most appealing places to be at the moment in terms of temperature.

  • I'm hot and I DON'T TAN VERY WELL...

  • There have been warmer summers, in my time. The trees and flowers help keep temperatures, here, down. Few US Cities have greenery, and that's why they're so hot.

    I don't get the chance to be out, much. However, the sun does lift my mood.

  • I don't like either the heat or strong sunlight, what makes it worse is that I sweat so much sunglasss steam up and slide off my nose.

    Although I have a tan on the exposed bits of me, face and arms mostly, the rest of me is really white, what the Scots call peely wally, my Mums so pale that sunlight just seems to bounce off her. Should be more beearable by the weekend though.

  • Yeh it is a bit warm to be fair. But it’s quite nice now and again.

  • I had a funny realisation relatively recently.

    I've always hated the heat (and the cold, which makes me a giant pain in the a r s e)

    But I realised that it is actually the sunlight that I dislike more than the heat. I can cope with heat for a while, but for sunlight I may as well be a vampire. I need to get one of those sensory things done, because it is the actual feeling of the sun on my skin. I have to wear long trousers and long sleeve tops which make people rightly think I am a lunatic when I complain of the heat.