Self-ism not for everyone

I can only speak for myself, but I think that for some people, self-ism, where we are told to be self-sufficient, self-caring and self-loving, etc.  can be insufficient in maintaining our emotional load, sense of place and purpose and we need the acknowledgement and affection of others to help us feel whole.

Some of us by nature or nurture cannot function properly by ourselves and therapy as a whole needs to understand that, in my opinion rather than dispense throwaway phrases.

  • My goal is to learn to do things, for myself.

    Having been a suckler, for so long, it's really time that I grew up. The fears of others, for so long, projected on me kept me small and clandestine.

  • My goal is to learn to do things, for myself.

    Having been a suckler, for so long, it's really time that I grew up. The fears of others, for so long, projected on me kept me small and clandestine.

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