Finding a therapist for Asperger's

I have decided after seven years without one (last one was at school when I was a kid) I want a therapist again. I won't be too negative here, but I'm not really enjoying life. I have a lot to vent about, a lot of insecurities and traumas. I've looked locally on Psychologytoday, but found very little even with a 30 mile or so radius (live in Northern England). I'm curious if anyone here is also looking into therapy or is in therapy on if they have any tips on what to look out for and what to ask for.  

Also, glad to be on here. Hoping to make some friends here, it's always nice to meet new people and hear their stories.

  • Hi DarkElf,

    Just asking - what's your view on creative-based therapies?

    I'm not a therapist. But l am doing a psychology degree and have one in creative writing.

    I used to be a personal trainer too and I'm also autistic.

    In the future, I'm considering coaching therapeutic writing as I'm also studying that as well.

    The only things that have really helped me have been exercise, learning and writing. Structured activities which seem to be important for autistic people's wellbeing.

    I've tried face-to-face therapy in the past and have found it useless. I can't express myself properly through spoken words and come away feeling like I've gained nothing.

    I also forget most of what was said! 

    All I'm asking as a bit of research is - would writing therapy appeal to you as an alternative if you saw it?

    Same to anyone else who reads this.

    I did put a post up on Sunday but got no reply. It might look like I'm plugging a business but that's not the intention.



  • When I was a teen at school I had a brilliant art based therapist that I really enjoyed my time with. So it's something I wouldn't necessarily be against, I am a fond writer myself and have wrote down most of my thoughts I'd discuss with said potential therapist

  • When I was a teen at school I had a brilliant art based therapist that I really enjoyed my time with. So it's something I wouldn't necessarily be against, I am a fond writer myself and have wrote down most of my thoughts I'd discuss with said potential therapist
