Finding a therapist for Asperger's

I have decided after seven years without one (last one was at school when I was a kid) I want a therapist again. I won't be too negative here, but I'm not really enjoying life. I have a lot to vent about, a lot of insecurities and traumas. I've looked locally on Psychologytoday, but found very little even with a 30 mile or so radius (live in Northern England). I'm curious if anyone here is also looking into therapy or is in therapy on if they have any tips on what to look out for and what to ask for.  

Also, glad to be on here. Hoping to make some friends here, it's always nice to meet new people and hear their stories.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I'm glad to hear you enjoy writing. Writing things down before my sessions really helped too.

    Good luck with finding a suitable therapist. 

  • Sex, drugs and rock n roll is the only therapy you need bruv ........zoom pfft

  • When I was a teen at school I had a brilliant art based therapist that I really enjoyed my time with. So it's something I wouldn't necessarily be against, I am a fond writer myself and have wrote down most of my thoughts I'd discuss with said potential therapist

  • Didn't really want to be honest, but it's looking progressively more like an option.

  • I've looked locally on Psychologytoday, but found very little even with a 30 mile or so radius

    Have you considered trying having sessions online through a zoom call.

    That is what I do with mine - she in in Canada and I'm in Brazil so it sorted the distance issue out. A pair of headphones and a laptop is pretty much all you need and you can do it anywhere with an internet connection and some privacy.

    I use my mobile phone hot spot for connection and that works fine for the meeting.

  • I'm lucky to have found a suitable autism-friendly therapist who is only about 10 miles away. I still haven't contact him. My biggest obstacle is myself.

  • Hi DarkElf and welcome 

    I too have not been enjoying my life all that much. Although I have done a good job of making it appear that I have been.This way of being has really left me feeling worn out and not really excited about anything anymore. I have had my 4th session with my therapist who is also neurodivergent. It is so nice to share my experiences with someone who truly gets it. I have had 3 other therapist’s a long time ago before I realised I was one of the crew but this was to help with my panic attacks, I have suffered from them for 30 years plus. 
    I do hear a lot on here that people have not had great experiences with their therapist’s but I wonder if this is because they are NT and not suited.

    As pointed out by someone else in this thread I have a terrible short term memory and very often forget what we talked about. I now write bullet points while I’m in session and that helps. 
    Try and see if you can set up some free appointments (I know a lot offer 15-20 minutes free). I spoke to 3 or 4 and as soon as I spoke to my current one I felt comfortable straight away. 
    I would say trust your instincts and perhaps write down some questions to ask and also let them know of any personal goals you might have. 

    Like I said it is helpful for me as I feel I have found the right person.

    I hope you find the right person to share your story with and good luck!!

    Take care

  • life's too short for therapy.  Be like Tom Cruise, Just say no to shrinks Be like Tom Cruise, Just say no to Psychiatry.

  • Hi DarkElf,

    Just asking - what's your view on creative-based therapies?

    I'm not a therapist. But l am doing a psychology degree and have one in creative writing.

    I used to be a personal trainer too and I'm also autistic.

    In the future, I'm considering coaching therapeutic writing as I'm also studying that as well.

    The only things that have really helped me have been exercise, learning and writing. Structured activities which seem to be important for autistic people's wellbeing.

    I've tried face-to-face therapy in the past and have found it useless. I can't express myself properly through spoken words and come away feeling like I've gained nothing.

    I also forget most of what was said! 

    All I'm asking as a bit of research is - would writing therapy appeal to you as an alternative if you saw it?

    Same to anyone else who reads this.

    I did put a post up on Sunday but got no reply. It might look like I'm plugging a business but that's not the intention.



  • That's similar to the problem I have (wanting old therapist back). One of which is a pediatric one on the NHS so impossible, the other one was independent and seems to have quit the field judging by her LinkedIn. 

  • I'm looking for the same. I know what I don't want after reading "The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy" by Steph Jones (a brilliant book, which I recommend).

    I wish that I could get my old therapist (who I trust and really like) magically trained up.

  • Id similarly like a.therapist but I'd like to speak to a therapist who is neurodivergent. Sick of hearing NT people guide me in something they don't actually know first hand

  • Welcome to the community! I myself am looking for such a therapist, and yes it is difficult. If the therapist is far away, maybe online meetings would work somehow? Not the same as live, I know. I struggled the most on my youth, now I’m in middle thirties and it’s a bit easier for me now, mostly because I know why I’m so different and why I suffered my whole life, I had a lot of negative experience with mental health professionals, but hoping that now the awareness about mental health is on higher level I hope I will find a good therapist.