Adult son with asd

Hi I’m new here. I have a son with Asperger’s and he has bad social anxiety and very rarely goes outside. Anyone with any ideas on what I can do to help him or any groups or services  i can contact for help would be appreciated 

  • Can you turn going outdoors into an adventure ?
    What about pitching a tent in your garden in our hot weather.
    Tell your son he is a soldier on a mission and must defend the camp ?
    What about  overnight ? In the dark ? As  an ex scout i reckon this might bring a smile to your sons face.
    Plenty of food and water, it might just " spark " an adventure in Him.
    Just " something " to give Him that much needed adventure from His everyday life.
    Hey, i am 50 and it still sounds exciting to me !
    Best wishes.

  • Can you turn going outdoors into an adventure ?
    What about pitching a tent in your garden in our hot weather.
    Tell your son he is a soldier on a mission and must defend the camp ?
    What about  overnight ? In the dark ? As  an ex scout i reckon this might bring a smile to your sons face.
    Plenty of food and water, it might just " spark " an adventure in Him.
    Just " something " to give Him that much needed adventure from His everyday life.
    Hey, i am 50 and it still sounds exciting to me !
    Best wishes.

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