Alcohol Cravings

I have struggled with alcohol cravings for all my life. I have never found anything that worked to make me not want to drink or feel rational or anything without alcohol. But I had a meeting with a support worker and he told me about a Doctor who talked about how the ketogenic diet can help alcohol cravings. It checks out. Ketogenic diet is a valid treatment for epilepsy which is caused by low gaba. Alcoholics also have low gaba and so do anxious people. The ketogenic diet increases gaba by increasing ketones in the body. The ketones then increase an amino acid called glutamine. Glutamine is the primary thing in the body that creates GABA. It does this by creating glutamate and then the glutamate then turns into GABA. I found all this interesting. The doctor recommends either taking glutamine supplements or following the ketogenic diet for alcohol cravings. I tried glutamine supplements and they seem to work. This is great news. But I have to take them for 12 months to get maximum benefits according to some sources. I am going to keep taking these to see if they help me more. It would be good if this works as it would save me having to go on potentially addictive and toxic pharmaceutical medication instead. Mother Nature is like the prime healer. They use the ketogenic diet only in severe epilepsy cases where anti seizure meds do not work. That really says something about how powerful what we eat can be when it is for some people more effective than powerful medication. Maybe this will help others as I have spoken to a few folks on here that struggle with alcohol too.

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