My troubles Continue

Dear All,

I have been keeping you up to date with my troubles the Police bless them have charged me with matters pertaining to my neighbour dispute.

The only comment I wish to make is at the Police station they still did not understand Autism and said it is a learning disability !

Any thoughts.

If only Ant and Dec could scream I am a euro divergent man with Autism get me out of this world of misunderstanding !

probably not get the same ring maybe us Autistic people could go to the jungle for some peace or the big brother House to make people aware.

Look forward to hearing from you need some happy messages

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  • older gens shaped this world and all they knew was learning difficulties....

    It has ever been so.

    When millenials then Gen Z comes into their eras of dominance they they will make their own mistakes as you point out, be seen as hopelessly antiquated, domineering and ignorant by their children and hated for their bumblig attempts to put the wrongs of the world to right.

    What they will have that the young generations don't have is experience. A life of experience shapes your ideals and world view massively - especially having kids.

    Greed and selfishness is also a huge problem which is even more prevelant now - how many cases have you seen where one persons opinions are being used to affect others. It could be vegans demanding that their neighbours don't cook meat on the BBQ because the smell offends them, someone complaining that the Olympic opening ceremony offended their regliios sensibilities with the drag Last Supper scene, a female identifying male demanding access to the ladies changing room in the gym, a person with a peanut allergy demaning that the 300 other people on a flight don't open any peanut products in case it triggers their allergy etc.

    Some of these have a kernel of merit but they affect so many others in their realisation.

    This is what I mean about how society is evolving to become ever more selfish in so many ways.

    Looking back at the generational input into making things better for the next generation - I think it will only get worse seeing the way Gen-Z and the Millenials are behaving.

    For the record I am an older Gen-X male so am probably a prime candidate for cancellation Wink

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