My troubles Continue

Dear All,

I have been keeping you up to date with my troubles the Police bless them have charged me with matters pertaining to my neighbour dispute.

The only comment I wish to make is at the Police station they still did not understand Autism and said it is a learning disability !

Any thoughts.

If only Ant and Dec could scream I am a euro divergent man with Autism get me out of this world of misunderstanding !

probably not get the same ring maybe us Autistic people could go to the jungle for some peace or the big brother House to make people aware.

Look forward to hearing from you need some happy messages

Parents Reply Children
  • I have just done that thanks so much.

    Another cheeky request is there lawyers that get our illness?

    I am so pleased with your message I  will read over the weekend.Yes when my life is stable again I am going to be a campaigner and help as many people as I can it is a national scandal.

    i also have OCD which really is a horrible mix with Autism it send my brain to speeds that seem impossible with thoughts and worries going round and round.You can imagine when I have to engage with people that do not have a scuby do what it does