Who will look after my son when I die?

My son is 25 and has Asperger's. He lives in his room all day except when he takes our dog for a walk. He also works in a small office two days a week. (We transport him there and back). He is very intelligent, but cannot/will not look after himself more than basics like heating up food, occasionally showering, etc.
He is extremely anxious and cannot cope with the public. He has no friends.
I am very concerned about what will happen to him when we die. There is no other family capable of helping him. What provision can we make? Who should we talk to about this please?

  • suggest he extend his hours to cover more days, so that he can afford bills and so on; thats a start. i think considering its aspergers and thats more high functioning, he can make it easy and you need more faith in his ability to function. he needs to think on how limited his time is there, hes in good position if he has a part time job as that is functional and he is normalised to work which is a really hard step for most of us. if hes already there i have faith that he can do it too. just needs to be aware that his time at yours is limited, and that he needs to think on that and work and plan out contingency himself. my parents always pointed to me that theyd not last long and that they was wanting to sell their home in like 3 years and move and not take me with them, that gave me timeline deadline threat to leave.... they never did sell and leave after that time and likely never will do, but it did get me thinking of my future more and making plans. that is good enough to get the ball rolling.

  • suggest he extend his hours to cover more days, so that he can afford bills and so on; thats a start. i think considering its aspergers and thats more high functioning, he can make it easy and you need more faith in his ability to function. he needs to think on how limited his time is there, hes in good position if he has a part time job as that is functional and he is normalised to work which is a really hard step for most of us. if hes already there i have faith that he can do it too. just needs to be aware that his time at yours is limited, and that he needs to think on that and work and plan out contingency himself. my parents always pointed to me that theyd not last long and that they was wanting to sell their home in like 3 years and move and not take me with them, that gave me timeline deadline threat to leave.... they never did sell and leave after that time and likely never will do, but it did get me thinking of my future more and making plans. that is good enough to get the ball rolling.

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