Autism and Buddhism



just wondering if there are any Buddhists out there who are also autistic. And if so does it help? Thanks 

  • [raises hands]

    I have been a student of the Dharma, as I came to know it, since my late teens. I have received transmission from a lama in the Bon branch of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, first in Spain, and then in Nepal, where many Tibetan practitioners had fled around the time of the Chinese invasion of Tibet.

    I have also spent some time in the Japanese Zen tradition, but "Dzogchen"•• practice is more suited to my temperament.

    It very closely aligns with classical Northern school of Taoist in China. The 2 had some historical overlap, branching very early on when Padmasambhava came to Tibet.

    The Tao Te Ching of Lau Tsi ••• and other early text on Taoism and Dzogchen, especially the translations of Thomas Cleary, are some of my most valuable resources when puzzling something out or trying to expand my understanding.

    I do,also, love the koan tradition and teaching stories of the Zen tradition, as well.



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