
Hi all do any of you think people will lose their benefits within the next few months under this Labour government as I’m worried and I don’t like not knowing what’s going on. I was signed off work will they make mr work?

  • I think this is just highlighting that the new Labour party are little more than Conservative Lite as they have lost most pretence at being the party of the working person.

    They know there is not enough money to meet current rates of expenditure so disability is an easy way to claw some back - we are typically less able to make a fuss about it that will cause them any concern.

    I also note they voted against scrapping the 2 child benefit cap to be able to let larger, poorer families from claiming benefit:

    On its own it would be bad but I noticed they punished 7 of the party members who rebelled and held true to their working class values in making the benefits available to families with more children,.

  • I think that might have to do with when to do it rather than not wanting to do it.  Having said that- I'm not a Corbyn supporter. I increasingly don't trust Labour over their attitude towards the disabled and vulnerable. The Tories can go f*** themselves. The Lib dems are cynical opportunists. Reform want to turn the UK into the jingoistic cesspit of Europe.

  • "Jingoistic cesspit of Europe"

    You say it like it's a bad thng! 

    Kinda like the growing cynicism though...

    The sooner everyone realises what the current deal is , the sooner we might negotiate a better one.

  • I agree.

    My main objecton to our current foreign policy is that it is jingoistic. (Now I've looked it up., previously I'd have used the word stupid or even perhaps "suicidal).

    UKvRF at "warfare" is a match similar to me V Tyson Fury at "slaps". I was good at "slaps" but that was years ago and ,er, Tyson Fury... England was good at warfare in the 1940's Still just about handy enough to beat Argentina in 1982 but NOW?? 

    We don't have raw materials, reliable soures, (of raw materials) a steel smelter, any real heavy machinery manufacturing base, and unless we've been naughty, all our submarine based nuclear deterent is "dual key" with the Americans. Will they let us launch, knowing that RF retaliatry strikes won't just be limited to us if "Dead hand" kicks in? Don't know about their "Perimitr" A.K.A. Dead Hand automated nuclear strike system? 

    Our best option is to remind the RF how bloody great their korea area jets were thanks to the RR NENE and plans which we sent them, and they then freely copied. Then we can bIll 'em for the licences, and they can pay us in lpg and titanium.... 

  • I agree.

    My main objecton to our current foreign policy is that it is jingoistic. (Now I've looked it up., previously I'd have used the word stupid or even perhaps "suicidal).

    UKvRF at "warfare" is a match similar to me V Tyson Fury at "slaps". I was good at "slaps" but that was years ago and ,er, Tyson Fury... England was good at warfare in the 1940's Still just about handy enough to beat Argentina in 1982 but NOW?? 

    We don't have raw materials, reliable soures, (of raw materials) a steel smelter, any real heavy machinery manufacturing base, and unless we've been naughty, all our submarine based nuclear deterent is "dual key" with the Americans. Will they let us launch, knowing that RF retaliatry strikes won't just be limited to us if "Dead hand" kicks in? Don't know about their "Perimitr" A.K.A. Dead Hand automated nuclear strike system? 

    Our best option is to remind the RF how bloody great their korea area jets were thanks to the RR NENE and plans which we sent them, and they then freely copied. Then we can bIll 'em for the licences, and they can pay us in lpg and titanium.... 

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