Water drinking advice (for firemonkey and anybody)

I am reading Pierre Novellie's "Why Can't I just Enjoy Things? (A Comedian's Guide To Autism)", and I was reminded of water drinking problem (not drinking enough).

I read this page...

"Some of the best advice I ever got ... insisted that the first thing one should do in the morning is immediately drink a big glass of water"

Pierre has the same not drinking enough that a lot of us do. This being a part of his daily routine has helped him immensely.

  • That sounds good.

  • I've struggled with this too, and that's great advice. 

    I disappeared down a research rabbit hole when trying to work out the best way to improve my own hydration.

    Whilst it comes at a cost, there are also various tech-related ways to "gamify" it (incentivising the activity with things like scores, badges, achievement levels, etc), which has helped for me.

    After taking into account my OCD and anxiety-related issues, I chose to go with using:

    - A glass Waterdrop bottle: more hygienic and healthier than plastic bottles, and also very pretty, with a range of designs to choose from (I decided this was important to me and worth paying the extra for, as I needed to be able to enjoy using it as a daily tool).

    - Paired with a LUCY smart cap.

    Used in conjunction with my phone, I can track my intake, get reminders, and even give the bottle an occasional dose of UV-C cleaning (in addition to regular washing!). They are expensive, for sure. But sales / offers come along quite often.

    I don't always use Waterdrop's micro drinks (also expensive), but I do buy some when they're on sale (they include vitamins and make the water taste nicer). At other times, I just add a small splash of Ribena (cue childhood flashbacks). 

    This setup obviously won't appeal to everyone, but just thought I'd share.
