Friends, Isolated, Alone

Hi all

So I'm 44  and I have zero friends! I have a few aquitances but nobody I would call a friend. 

I'm really troubled by this, I have a partner and children but I feel this lack of friends very profoundly 

My partner has friends and I often get hurt feelings when they go out, it's not that I don't want them to do it's just a reminder and a painful one that I don't have that in my life, I literally feel sick every time they do 

I feel it physically and mentally, it really weighs on me. 

I don't know what to do about it, I have tried joining various groups but I always feel out of place and unwanted 

I'm sick of no one calling me and being alone and isolated (my partner and me don't stay together) , I'm sick of never being invited to anything, I just want someone out with my partner to give a damm. 

It's really affecting my mental health and I don't know what to do. 


  • It as important that you do not let that resentment grow. I think that it is super healthy that your partner does her own things. Her going out with her friends is as much a need as any of our needs. My wife does all sorts of stuff without me and I am glad of it.

    You are on the right track in inquiring here.

    Can you find if there are any autism support groups in your area?

    Even neurotypical friendships take time to grow and are more difficult for them to form as they get older - it is 100 times harder for us.

    (If you are going to stick around this forum - I suggest you edit your name and give yourself an icon. All the new profiles look the same.)

  • It as important that you do not let that resentment grow. I think that it is super healthy that your partner does her own things. Her going out with her friends is as much a need as any of our needs. My wife does all sorts of stuff without me and I am glad of it.

    You are on the right track in inquiring here.

    Can you find if there are any autism support groups in your area?

    Even neurotypical friendships take time to grow and are more difficult for them to form as they get older - it is 100 times harder for us.

    (If you are going to stick around this forum - I suggest you edit your name and give yourself an icon. All the new profiles look the same.)

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