Going on holiday

I’m going on holiday on Friday and I’m stressed. I spend all year looking forward to it but the closer it gets the more I start to worry about. I hate the change of routine and the go with the flow attitude that my mum has which stresses me out because I like to plan. I want to have a good time but I feel like every year I go on holiday and come back burnt out and regretting not doing more and relaxing more. It’s a new environment so I struggle to sleep so I’m planning on pulling an all nighter the night before so I’ll be tired and hopefully fall asleep quicker on the first night there. Any tips on how to make going on holiday easier ? 

  • I feel like every year I go on holiday and come back burnt out and regretting not doing more and relaxing more.

    My advice is to plan meticulously what is reasonable to prepare for, keep it documented and leave lots of gaps for chill time and for "see where it takes us" time - as Mark says you will not look back and say "I wish I had stayed at home instead" when you look back.

    So for the trip there and back - research the airport, how to get there, how much time to leave, what to pack and what to do when you get there in order to get to and from the hotel.

    Keep a folder of all this in paper format in your handbag/backpack as well as on your phone. Take a battery pack and an international charger plus copies of your travel insurance and book to take some local currency (Post office were the best option I found last time).

    For day 1 allow time to find your way around, where to find a supermarket, ATM and restaurants then go have an afternoon by the pool to recharge before going out at night - or whatever you plan to do there. Research, rest, play.

    If you have any big nights out planned, allow a rest day after.

    Try to fit in some exploring or adventure stuff after a rest day so you can get as much out of it as you can.

    You should have the return all planned out so book taxis/busses/trains back to the airport a few days before you leave so you know it is all sorted. Also check if you need to confirm your flights.

    Find out where to get a replacement phone if someone loses theirs or even carry one with you if you have it. Best to make sure you have enough capacity on your credit card for it too.

    There you go - all the hard work is done, captured on paper and digitally so you can chill, share with others you are travelling with and relax before you go.

  • I feel like every year I go on holiday and come back burnt out and regretting not doing more and relaxing more.

    My advice is to plan meticulously what is reasonable to prepare for, keep it documented and leave lots of gaps for chill time and for "see where it takes us" time - as Mark says you will not look back and say "I wish I had stayed at home instead" when you look back.

    So for the trip there and back - research the airport, how to get there, how much time to leave, what to pack and what to do when you get there in order to get to and from the hotel.

    Keep a folder of all this in paper format in your handbag/backpack as well as on your phone. Take a battery pack and an international charger plus copies of your travel insurance and book to take some local currency (Post office were the best option I found last time).

    For day 1 allow time to find your way around, where to find a supermarket, ATM and restaurants then go have an afternoon by the pool to recharge before going out at night - or whatever you plan to do there. Research, rest, play.

    If you have any big nights out planned, allow a rest day after.

    Try to fit in some exploring or adventure stuff after a rest day so you can get as much out of it as you can.

    You should have the return all planned out so book taxis/busses/trains back to the airport a few days before you leave so you know it is all sorted. Also check if you need to confirm your flights.

    Find out where to get a replacement phone if someone loses theirs or even carry one with you if you have it. Best to make sure you have enough capacity on your credit card for it too.

    There you go - all the hard work is done, captured on paper and digitally so you can chill, share with others you are travelling with and relax before you go.

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