Going on holiday

I’m going on holiday on Friday and I’m stressed. I spend all year looking forward to it but the closer it gets the more I start to worry about. I hate the change of routine and the go with the flow attitude that my mum has which stresses me out because I like to plan. I want to have a good time but I feel like every year I go on holiday and come back burnt out and regretting not doing more and relaxing more. It’s a new environment so I struggle to sleep so I’m planning on pulling an all nighter the night before so I’ll be tired and hopefully fall asleep quicker on the first night there. Any tips on how to make going on holiday easier ? 

  • I'm over 50 and holidays still stress me out.

    Before I continue, let me say that I don't think anyone on their deathbed ever said "I wish I went on less holidays". This is the attitude that I take and I power on through the stress and anxiety.

    To be totally honest, I think that your mum could meet you half way. Can you explain your anxiety to her and suggest that you plan the first 3 or 4 days before you go. And then plan the other days when you are there. She can still have a lovely holiday with a bit more rigidity whereas your holiday experience would be vastly improved.

    If you are able to sleep after an 'all nighter' then great! If I did that, I'd be both tired and stressed as I can't sleep when traveling.

    Tips: Ask your mum to meet you halfway and come up with a plan. I'm guessing you are over 18, so she could have a day or two of adventure and leave you to relax back at your accommodation.

  • My mum does try her best and we have some plans in place but I still can’t help but get stressed 

  • I totally understand. I am a nightmare for my poor wife at stations/airports - the overload combined with potential delays... uuughhh.

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