Does anyone else buy lots of the same items of clothing ?

If I find a top I like, usually black or navy plain and stretch comfy material for example.  I will buy 5 or more of them so I can keep wearing them without having to wear different clothing. 

Does anyone else do this?

  • I haven't often done this, but I have often wished that I did, as I like to wear the same things over and over. I remember once I bought two identical (and indestructible) pairs of trousers for work, so I could alternate between them. I wore them pretty much every day for years. I now wish I'd bought more. I never really gave any consideration to what my colleagues might have thought. I felt comfortable not having to present a different image.

  • I haven't often done this, but I have often wished that I did, as I like to wear the same things over and over. I remember once I bought two identical (and indestructible) pairs of trousers for work, so I could alternate between them. I wore them pretty much every day for years. I now wish I'd bought more. I never really gave any consideration to what my colleagues might have thought. I felt comfortable not having to present a different image.

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